Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Journeys 139/140 - Two for Wife's Cousin's Wife

12/28/04: This Journey was for the wife of my wife’s cousin, who is suffering substantial chronic pain due to a botched abdominal surgery a few years ago. Basically, every time she eats, the movement of the intestines causes pain. I asked her if she wanted me to investigate what Help there might be from the Spirit World, and she said she would take whatever help she could get. The Drum CD failed, so I decided to take this Journey without drumming at all. As I headed out into the Spirit World, I found a small, 10-foot high tornado made of dead leaves swirling in front of me. I stepped into the tornado, and was in an orange ball of Spirit Energy. Soon, before me, Owl, Snake and Eagle appeared, and we all merged into one powerful Spirit Being. We then sank quickly down through the Orange light and landed in a rain forest environment. Taking Snake form, we slithered up a nearby Tree and went out onto a branch. At this point, we shape-shifted again into a Bird. In the distance, a Thunderbeing (thunder storm) was rumbling. We watched the forest floor and saw a Monkey and an Aardvark go by. We also saw a Tiger. None of these Animals stayed though, and showed little interest at all in us. Then, a white Butterfly with black and gold-yellow edged wings landed on the branch to our right, and immediately turned into a little ball of Spirit Energy. This happened two more times, for a total of three. Each time, the Spirit Energy ball grew a bit larger. Just then, coming in from behind and to our right, an immense black Bird came soaring in. This Winged One was reminiscent of the Bird that flew over me when my Shamanic Dream began several years ago. This Bird landed in front of us and was angry, for apparently we were interfering with whatever effect he was trying to have on the woman. The Shaman Spirit in the Tree, which appeared to us suddenly, handed us a power wand. I used this Wand to direct Spirit Energy at the Bird, which kept shrinking until it had melted into the Ground. Then, the fourth Butterfly arrived. I knew this was the Power Animal for the cousin's wife. I coaxed it into my Eagle Mirror Charm, and up we all went into the Tunnel of Leaves. I then flew to her home town to blow the PA into her directly. When we were done, Eagle Claw suggested strongly to me to send her a small Butterfly broach to wear. The colors of the Butterfly are significant. Black means “protective, grounding, calming, activating feminine energies.” Gold/yellow means “beneficial to the digestive tract (my emphasis added), generating enthusiasm. Gold itself means “strengthening to the heart, better balance.” Obviously, she should surround herself with these colors.

On 12/29, I took a follow-on Journey to see if there was a physical fix. I found myself on a Beach late in the day, late in the season (perhaps early fall). It was breezy, for the waves near the shore had tiny white caps. I had taken no Tunnels to either the Upper or Lower Worlds, so I knew I was still in the Middle World. A Gold and White Spirit Body approached me and sat down near me. A Gull landed nearby to my right. I saw my Eagle soaring above me. I sensed I was to merge with the Gold and White Spirit, and Eagle swooped down to offer me protection while I was gone. I merged, and sensed I had become the Ocean itself. I could feel its great depth all the Life it housed, the disruptions on the surface caused by humans. Once the merge was over, I realized the main message appeared to be that nothing physical can be done at this time for her..it is her Path to walk as she is. However, the rich imagery of this Journey offers some soothing methodologies. She should visit the Ocean often, feed Gulls when she can. Salt-based baths will be helpful as well, as will tapes featuring the gently roar of the Ocean. At another point in the Journey I saw a large Waterfall..I was just beyond the edge to its left. But instead of being involved with the heavy flow of falling water as in past Journeys, I sensed that the hovering mists were more important. This told me it is important for her to let the heavy emotions just pass her by, and derive freedom from them as the Mists have, and as Gulls do as well when they soar over the Ocean surface.

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