Friday, February 25, 2005

Journeys 157 and 158 - The Purple Dragon/A Small Visit with the Twin Sister Spirit

2/25/05: I had originally intended for this Journey to be my attempt to contact the Twin sister's deceased sister again, as the former has seen a car that reminds her of her sister over and over fact, even in the past few days, she has seen that car several times. I feel strongly as does she that her sister is trying to contact her from the Spirit World, and so I decided to see what message she might have.

But this was not to be in THIS Journey. First, a small backgrounder. After the Soul Restoration Ceremony on the 23rd, I found the 24th to be one of the more aggravating mornings of recent memory. It seemed everything I did went sour, and I could almost feel some force working against me. Even as we were heading out to ski that day, I saw a huge Hawk fly just in front of the car from right to left, another sign that things were awry, that some danger was present. So I guess it was no surprise that after preparing myself for this Journey to visit with the deceased sister, things went off course VERY quickly.

I was whisked off to some dark woods almost immediately. No chance to meet with my Guides, or find a Tunnel. I saw before me a very large, light yellow Tipi, shimmering as it stood there. Suddenly a purple Dragon-like Being came flying from behind this Tipi and began to attack me. Having no Guides or Protectors, I realized I needed to fend off this attack myself..when suddenly I remembered I was physically wearing my Shaman’s Mirror! I called on both the Mirror and its Spirit, Utawa, the Blue Shaman. He came immediately and scooped me up, transporting me to the shore of a tropical island..about as far away as one could get, I suppose, from this wooded domain. There was my Guide, Owl. We saw and awaited a Tunnel’s appearance, and it was not long in coming. On the horizon we saw a black circle forming. As we headed for it, Eagle (my Power Animal) and Crosses in Front, my Lower World Guide Snake, joined us. They often come along on my Journeys to give me added protection and strength. We exited the Tunnel into dark, deserted, old woods. Nearby stood a decaying house, devoid of any signs of human life. We came up to am open grave..the tombstone revealed it belonged to one Henry Wade who had died in 1782. I instinctively pulled a Sword with a gleaming blade of light from my Shaman’s Mirror. Soon thereafter the purple Dragon Being came and sat in the open grave. This Dragon was obviously the shape Henry Wade’s angry Spirit had assumed. But why? I sensed that Henry had been cursed by a Native American Shaman for things Henry had done to the Shaman’s villagers in the past. The Dragon was therefore stalking the Earth and attacking other Shamans in revenge. I took my Mirror and released the curse from Henry, and there lay his bones in his grave. Eagle Claw, my Guide who takes Owl form, then turned to me and said I should probably have first asked the Shaman who had placed the curse on Henry for permission to release him. Ooops. Within seconds, we were back in my bedroom, and there I found that Shaman’s Spirit waiting for me. Just prior to this, I had seen a fleeting image of a man being pulled out of a window violently by a rope tied around his neck. This suggested that hanging had been involved in whatever Henry had done to the Natives. The Native Shaman now spoke, and told me Henry had been very bad to his tribal members, and I had now just set “him” loose, versus properly fixing his Spirit and releasing it from its negative aspects. Why had I done this? I told the Shaman that Henry was now going around attacking other Shamans, myself included just today. The Shaman, who revealed himself now as “West Wind”, took out a small Tipi-shaped Crystal. It was the same shape and color as the one I had seen at the start of this journey, but much smaller now. I could see the purple Dragon still flying around it. I had indeed released Henry from the Curse but not taken care of his Anger. We both then released Henry and watched as his Spirit moved up into the Sky as a Rainbow. West wind then gifted me: he placed a thin, off-white light shield and melded it into my Aura, to remain there permanently. It was as if he had given some of his essence to me. I now have the added strength of Shaman West Wind’s Spirit in mine. I shall honor him and call on him as circumstances demand in future Shamanic work. Then the Call Back sounded and the Journey ended.

I have since done a bit of research on the name Henry Wade and his date of death. There are a lot of Henry Wades and the Search Engine is not too good at isolating the exact person just yet. If I have time someday I’ll do more research..what matters is that Henry is restored.

The second Journey of the day was now on, and was the one intended before the above events transpired. I was already in Sacred Space and so opened the Drum CD and began focusing on my intention. I found myself sitting with Owl in the middle of a very large Tree. Below us the Tree was completely barren, and from our level upwards the Tree was rich with green boughs of fir. Below us was an unrecognizable Planet, whitish with a rough surface but no distinguishable features. It almost looked like tapioca. Owl and I then went upwards, through the green branches. We actually past through versus by them, and the branches produced a cool and refreshing feeling as they swept through me. We went by the Tree Top and into Space. Off to my right I saw a room. Upon further inspection, as I got closer, it had the look of a sunroom, bright yellow, with the Sun pouring in from the left. There was a fireplace at the far end. A woman was leaning slightly forward on a beige couch on the left side, sun to her back, her hands clutched together. There was a coffee table before her. This was the Twin Sister in the Spirit World. She told me the car sightings were indeed a message to her sister here on Earth that she missed her a lot, and was therefore always with her. I should interject at this point that I was very tired when beginning this Journey, and so from here on in found myself fading in and out quite a bit. I saw several images after this: the sister offered me a porcelain mound that soon turned into a small Crystal bowl filled with small chocolate covered somethings, perhaps raisins. I also saw her in a Trading post-like store, outdoors wear, holding up a pullover hat with long drawstrings down either side, colored with very small white and red checks. At another point where I faded in, I saw the Sister turn into her Spirit Self. At a later moment, she told me to tell her sister here to “keep a leg up.” The Call Back sounded, and I returned to take a nap. During this in-and-out nap, though, a final image appeared. I saw a young girl sitting on a stool with her back to the wall, holding onto what I believe was a small doll or toy. There was a doorway immediately to her left, and a stove to the left of the doorway where I was standing. I got the sense this was from a time quite a few years ago.