Friday, January 14, 2005

Journey 147 - The Egg of Life

1/14/05: During my travels on my job today, a very large Hawk came out of nowhere and flew along side my car about 50 feet to my right. We were going the same speed, and I instantly felt an instant oneness with him. This was a Spirit in the Shape of a Hawk. I knew he was calling me to perform a Shamanic duty, in this case a Journey. He landed in a nearby Tree, sitting there long enough for me to view him with my new Birding Glass, and then took off. I decided this Journey should simply be a meeting between me and my Guides. I would let them set the agenda..I just wanted to get into their presence once again. It had been a while since my last work for the Girl whose Soul had been scared out of her by the attack on her Visitor..I needed re-connection. So I set up my Sacred Space, Smudged and lit the Sacred Candle and was off.

When the journey first began, it was night. I saw Owl (Guide Eagle Claw) come toward me from the distance, leaving a trail of golden dust as he came. The dust seemed to be suspended in Time, with no it was painted onto the Sky. This told me that we were already in the timelessness of the Upper World, even though time was passing for me and Owl. He came right up to me, and for a second or two we were back in the Tree of Life, on the very thin branch above the great fall I had witnessed in a very recent journey. But then we were back in Space. No doubt my Guide wanted me to realize we were once again dealing with the Sacred Tree, just in a different form. After peering into my eyes for a few seconds, Owl lifted himself straight upward. He began drawing a golden spiral (that of course seemed to narrow as he went higher, due to the effects of perspective). Then, the Eagles that soar around me in my gol, the center point of my and all existence, began to soar up as well. Each drew a different color in Mana, and rapidly filled the appearing Sky Tunnel with phenomenal color and brightness. Once this Tunnel was complete, Owl brought me up and up.

When we got to the top, we burst out into a world made solely of a blue-whitish, milky flooring, made of Spirit Energy. If there was a Sky, it was a light blue, hardly noticeable. Spikes of golden energy grew out of this flooring, and each of my Guides appeared and took up residence, one per Spike. Eagle Claw, Crosses in Front, Blue Shaman, Two Feathers and Gray Wolf were there, first in their Animal shapes, then as the human likenesses, all except for Gray Wolf who has always maintained his Wolf image in my Journeys. They then drew very close to me, and we merged into one Spirit. I looked below and saw a rainbow swirl develop in the floor, and we soon dropped into and through this swirl. We were back in Space, and I saw many Stars in front of me. I noticed a steady stream of Soul Pieces filing out from each star and heading in specific directions into the great distance. These were the Ami (“em”) Soul Pieces heading to individual bodies on various planets in the Universe. This told me that there were indeed other Planets with intelligent life, and also made me realize that the legends of ancient Earth cultures that tell of visitors from the Stars populating the Earth were essentially True, but perhaps in a metaphoric way..and of course, perhaps not. J Also, the Tree of Life in the Mongolian Shamanic Understanding holds the Ami souls prior to their release, so in this instance the Tree of Life could be said to be a metaphor for the Stars. Then, forming below me, was a huge, near-egg shaped orb of golden Energy. “We” sank into this orb. A voice that I knew was the Great Spirit began to speak to me. He told me this was the Egg of Life, that all Life everywhere emanated from this Egg. He then allowed me to merge with the essence of all-existence Energy. In other words, my consciousness merged with the underlying Spirit essence that is in all things. By so doing, I was able to immediately enter into various existences. I became a water droplet in the Ocean, a moving Cloud, a Squirrel, a Hawk, a Pea. I entered the Robe of one of the workers at one of the offices I service and was able to determine she has no major illnesses, and was able to view myself as she sees me. I became a chair in that office. I realized that at this level, everything has an awareness of itself, and experiences a wonderful connectivity with everything else. I then came to understand that Spirit Helpers such as Eagle Claw, have no tension or anxieties whatsoever. At this level of existence, all is total calmness and acceptance. Great Spirit then told me that on Earth, only the humans have separated themselves from this feeling. He told me it was my (Shaman’s) job to bring them back. He told me that I was to continue with my Shamanic work. He then said that the arrival of my Shaman’s Mirror would signal the beginning of my “real work”.

I realized that my consciousness comes directly from and is always tied into that of the Great Spirit, and so does everything else’s. So when you play with your Puppy, that playfulness emanates from the Great Spirit! The oneness I felt now was fear, no tension, total awareness of all things. He then allowed me to witness Dark Energy, and I realized it has the same awareness and self-value as Brightness. In other words, Light and Dark, in fact all the balancing opposites, also experience existence in the exact same way. These opposites were created by Great Spirit to create the dynamic balance necessary for existence and growth, for advancement spiritually. This also allows for easy manipulation of all substances. The whole concept of good and bad completely disappeared..there are only opposing ends of the spectrum in Spirit Life, but all serve the same purpose. It was a wonderful revelation, and I now see no “evil” in anything anymore..just purpose. After this wonderful experience of oneness, I started feeling like I was evaporating physically. Like my body as dissolving into pure Energy..I felt weightless. It was very cool.

So I came to view that all things that happen in my life, all people I meet, etc., that seem to be against me or “bad”, are really part of the same Great spirit that has built this entire Spirit Universe on Love. That is to say, even the most horrendous aspects of Life here on Earth are part of the Great Plan to advance us Spiritually. This makes most sense when one realizes there just isn’t any end to your existence..whatever happens in this Life, you’ll get another shot, and another, until you reach a level of spirituality that allows you to remain as a Helper or Guide. Another aspect of this, say, would involve my new Helper, the Blue Shaman..even though he has an individual existence, he is still tied to all other things.

Two other events occurred during this journey. I asked for help fighting a recurrent cold deepening quickly, and again found Mana being dripped into my Body to fight the illness. I could feel that Sacred Energy spreading throughout my entire body. In the next two days, my cold has all but vanished. I also found extra Mana being poured into my Third Eye Chaka to help strengthen my ability to see spirit Energies with my visual cortex. I also asked when my new Mongolian Shaman’s Toli (mirror) will be arriving, and was told perhaps next Thursday..or the day before I actually get to use it!! I figured I was nearing the end of my Journey, so I began the process of going back to the Spirit Floor room with the perches, and then down through the Sacred sky Tunnel and back into this World. I thanked all my Guides and the Great spirit for this greatest of all visits (such peace and awareness..such understanding..such release). As is so often the case, the Call Back Drum sounded within seconds of this action.