3/4/05: A Journey to investigate the dark area in the Twin Sister’s Aura I spotted during our Restoration Ceremony of Feb 25. This area corresponds roughly to an area where she has a physical manifestation of this Energy field. So, I Smudged the Room. Lit the Sacred Candle and Rattled Sacred Space into place. Wearing my Mirror for Energy and Protection, I was off.
Most interestingly, I was met right off the bat by Angshwa, my White Owl Guide. He was the Guide I met when I performed my very first Journey for Janie. This Guide seems to have a personal interest in the Sister’s Well-Being, for while I did not even have him in mind for this particular Journey, nonetheless he had volunteered. And here he was, swooping down right in front of me as we both occupied the space at the top of a bunch of close and tall, snow covered Pine Trees. We looked below, and way down there, in the middle of a small clearing, I could see a well-lit cabin. It was quite dark there, for the yellow lights in the windows really stood out. As we descended toward this cabin, however, it turned into a large Fire. When we got to the surface, I saw four Dark Beings sitting around this Fire. It appeared as if they were trying to warm themselves, but I saw one place his hand directly in the Fire with absolutely no result. No burning, no pain. I then realized these beings were totally cut off from the Fire of Life, but were still seeking it. Owl and I stood off to the side, watched and waited. I wasn’t sure whether to intervene with these Beings or not, and decided waiting was indeed the best thing. Suddenly, a large Wolf emerged from the woods. He was quite unhappy and was snarling at the Fire and the Beings around it. He moved up to and slowly paced round the Fire, as if sensing the Beings there but unable to see them. He did, however, spot Angshwa and I and came over to visit with us. He became friendly with us and especially my Guardian, Gray Wolf, and they sort of hit it off. Angshwa and I then looked right, and saw an opening in the woods through which a snow-covered road led. This road went over a small, frozen creek via a small bridge with minimal height and wooden rails on either side. I then saw a body float up and press against the clear ice covering the creek. I sensed there were more bodies beneath this one, and that the Beings at the Fire were spirits of these Bodies. They had obviously died unnaturally. Most remarkably, I then saw the two Twin sisters leaning against the rails and looking out across the creek. I then sensed that a bit of the Dark Energy from these Beings crept into the Twins, unaware of the invasion. Hence, they were not hit with a full Entity invasion, but Imprints were left. It almost appeared to have happened by chance.,they just happened to be there as that Energy drifted by. At this point, there was a pause in the Journey. Perhaps Angshwa went back for guidance. In any case, when we both were back together, I was shown the Sister has had a rainbow colored Wreath of Energy placed around her head. This will be there for the next two weeks. My duty is to place Spiritual Sage into the Rainbow Wreath from here on a daily basis, to keep it fresh. This Wreath will gradually absorb the dark Imprint in the Sister’s Aura. I shall gladly do this. At this point, the Journey was over.
Some notes: Pine Tree is the Tree of Peace, yet another reminder that Healing comes from the centering gained by being totally at one with one’s surroundings and fellow being, as much as possible.
Wolf, who showed up as an opposing force to the Beings, has introduced itself as a Totem for the Sister. There is much in Wolf Medicine, more than I can recount here. I will send her the pages with all the details. Bottom line, though: Wolf Medicine teaches of Guardianship, Rituals, Loyalty and Spirit (the freedom thereof). Time to take balanced control of your Life once again and walk in true Freedom. Full Moons and Twilight are the Power Times. It’s therefore interesting the Cabin appeared lit as if at Twilight.
The frozen Creek speaks of an emotional freezing..something in the emotions or the feminine spirit that is or was “frozen” and needs to be free. The fact the Ice was keeping the bodies from the Twins means the freezing was helpful and protective at that time. But now the awareness of this freezing implies it needs to be dealt with if still there.
Another interesting "coincidence" with the first Journey is this set of lines taken therefrom: "I was told that this mana would from here on out always be there as a gift to her sister to help her fight the disease stalking her..and that she should therefore always think of herself surrounded by this *rainbow swirl of healing Spirit Energy*, the gift of her sister. "
Finally, I was not allowed to intervene in the existences of these Dark Beings. So they will continue to sit around the Fire. Whether I ever deal with them again remains to be seen, but they obviously meant no harm to the Sister and her Twin. Their main purpose in this Journey was to introduce the Wolf Totem to the Sister.
3/7 Sister wrote: "Wow, How honored I feel that Angshwa has taken an interest in me, so much so that he volunteered to assist you!!
Your journey has been so informative. As a matter of fact, on Saturday morning, washing the dishes at the sink, there was a very visible Rainbow off to my left, and I immediately thought of the Wreath of Energy! Could this have been validation of the Rainbow Wreath of Energy in place? All I know is that I had gotten such a good feeling when I saw it J J
Thank You for placing Spiritual Sage into the
Wreath of Energy for the next two weeks, I’m so Grateful that you’re willing to do this for me. I will be having my MRI on March 23rd, and be thinking of Your, and Your powerful Helpers Positive Energy coming my way.
Upon the viewing of the 4 beings warming by the fire, how interesting the out come, as the Wolf being a Totem for me!
S o upon just finding this out, does this mean he’ll be able to assist you on your mission for me? How great for you if that’s so.
Thank You "
3/8 Sister wrote: "Thank you for the daily Sage placement, I just might spot you one morning!! And as for the Rainbow, I’ve spotted another! It’s a Good feeling!"
3/18 Follow-up: I wrote to Sister "I finished my last flight with Sage this morning, completing the task the Helpers gave me two weeks ago. Interesting things have been happening in this regard. Over the past week a vortex of rainbow energy has been swirling over your house, connected to your wreath. It’s been getting bigger every morning. This morning it looped over and connected to my 5-Stone altar, and I actually flew back home through it like it was a Tunnel. That was the completion of the visits. Also, over the past 4 days or so, each time I placed another Sage in your wreath, I could see a small stone-like object representing your growth burning away more and more, like a meteorite entering the atmosphere. This morning it burned completely away. I’m not sure if this is a physical result, or metaphorical. That is, the growth may still be there, but all of its Life Energy appears to have happily transmuted back into the Sky. It was really amazing to see how vast and expansive the rainbow energy feeding your wreath became with time. "
To which she replied: "What a wonderful sight it must have been to see the rainbow swirl!! The thought of the rock like image burning away or the thought of the life energy leaving sounds so comforting and positive, as a matter of fact, for the past few days, I have felt a lighter sense about me, not that dark heavy feel, as when I am depressed. I’ll be having my MRI on Wednesday, and thinking only positive that all your work, and your helpers hard work has helped me."
3/22: She wrote "I feel pretty positive, and I still have that LIGHT feeling, I just don’t know how else to explain it, but it’s goodJ I will let you know the results tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughtfulness."
3/23: And today the results of the MRI and the two week Hawk flights with Sage: "You were right! I did get good news. The Dr. said that the tumor had shrunk and there was no additional growth. :) :) :) Thank You and all your Helpers :) :) Many Many thanks for doing what you do, helping others."
To which I replied: "Trust me, I am as delighted and thrilled for you as you are. I will personally thank my Helpers on both our behalves. I was absolutely certain you would get such news..and I’m sure the shrinkage will continue. We should also thank your Twin, who has been watching over you as well. And your Young You, who has come back into your Life to help fill you with joy. I knew when you said you were feeling lighter that things had changed “aloft.” I’m ready to help you in your Dream analysis..say the word. I hope your weekend is a super, love-filled and peaceful one. My flights over to you were quite rewarding, especially as I watched the Rainbow Swirl grow with time, and the growth begin to flame out. The fact I was allowed to be the Channel for this result is all the thanks and reward I need..plus the 5 smiley faces..a new record for a single email for me. :)
Thanks for sharing this really heart-warming and inspiring news."
On 4/8 she wrote: "I have been so busy, that’s why I didn’t email sooner, but I wanted to get your thoughts on a ‘dream’ I had near the end of the sage placement you did for me. It wasn’t a dream as I would normally call it, but more like a vision. As I was sleeping, and I saw a pair of eyes so close to my face looking at me, but they weren’t human eyes, they were eyes of a bird, I thought a eagle or hawk, and right behind the him, was an owl, and the owls eyes were coming closer to my face along side the eagle / hawk. I was so startled by this that I woke up, I looked at the clock and I was about 7 am. It took me a few days to realize, but I must have been thinking of you and your helper. Do you think I could have had a vision of you, Hawk and your helper, Angshwa ??"
I wrote back: "Your vision is nothing short of thrilling, for I performed your final 6 or 7 visits as a Hawk in the early morning, around 5 AM. I would shape shift into Hawk, fly over to your house, circle around you and chant while placing the Sage, and then fly back. There can be little doubt but that you actually saw me as Hawk in your vision. As far as Owl goes, it’s also truly amazing, for I would run into Owl on some of my flights over there. There was one morning in particular where we flew together for a while. Could very well have been Angshwa, or else Eagle Claw, my Upper World Guide. Thanks for telling me this, for it makes sense for you now..and gives me more confidence in my shape-shifting skills. :)"
Journey #2 today involved getting guidance concerning a dear friend's still-formulating plans to move to Florida. Sacred space was still intact, so I Smudged and set off with a short Drum CD loop. My first image was rather astonishing..my Guide Owl was riding in the maw of a Penguin, sipping on a drink, holding a cigar, and wearing a straw hat. What the hay?! I was sort of non-plussed at first. Owl began laughing and said I should lighten up a bit. Journeying is not all serious work..Shamans can have fun too! I understood and was actually glad to see this playfulness. It was a first. Owl then left the maw and flew down to me to begin the Journey. We were deep in the Everglades, and moving deeper. The scene began mixing with Stars, a bit like the Galaxy superimposed on the Forest. As we passed through this dimensional interface, we ended up in the Lower World. This was the first “Tunnel” to the Lower World I’ve been through that was not actually a Tunnel. A day of firsts. In fact, we ended up in that area of the Lower World where I have been quite a few times..Trees ahead and to the left, River and Bay to the right. Crosses in Front, my Snake Lower World Guide, arrived. She pointed at the River and told me it was time I took my first trip down there. So off the tree of us went in a large Birch canoe. We went downriver a while and came upon a Seminole Village on a bank. An elder Chief came out of one of the Tipis and greeted me. As I was heading toward him, a Dark Being with the glowing red eyes, becoming ever more a fixture of my Journeys, jumped out from a nearby bush in front of me. He came right up to me and asked me to come to the big Dance being held just beyond. Immediately sensing I was in danger, I used my Mirror to grow to the size of a large Tipi myself, and virtually radiated “windhorse” (Mongolian term for Spirit Energy) at the Being until he ran back into the Forest. The Chief then explained that this Being was one of the Suld souls (one of the reincarnating Souls Humans have..the other reincarnate goes to the Upper World at death..the third stays on Earth to mix into Nature) of prior Natives who had never quite let go of that life..this was quite normal with Suld souls who transfer normally back to the Lower World after living. He took me into the Tipi of the Chief and there we ate Alligator meat cut into thick squares, and drank a Mango or Papaya Juice. He then spoke. He told me Florida as it stands today is quite dangerous for women such as our friend and her sister. The weather supports those in the criminal element who can live of very little, since they don’t need a shelter to stay alive: bottom line is that Florida attracts criminals. He told me the girls must be very careful in their choice of living areas. I then was shown the name “St.Croix” followed by this street address: 1247 Wisteria. I was then told that the move would be best done in the early Summer of 2006. The Chief told me the Dogwoods should be blooming in the central States when the move begins. He told me the two women were lovely beings who deserve a good life. He then moved onto a different subject, and said he and his people were not angry they had been forced out of the camps by the arriving Europeans. We then performed a parting Smoke together. Upon leaving, as I was drifting away in our Birch canoe, the Chief yelled at me from the shore. Laughing, he shouted, “you really should have gone to the Dance..we dance with these Beings all the time! You should relax a bit.” I felt a bit foolish now about jumping the gun on the Dark Being..from now on I should ask questions first, if the context permits. We drifted back the way we came. As we went from the Lower World back through the Star curtain into the Everglades, Owl went back into the Penguins maw and resumed his laid back flight, cigar and all. I watched him fly off and said to myself, “yup..I should have gone to the dance..”
Note: I checked right afterward. There is no St. Croix, Florida. There is a St. Croix in Indiana, so I knew THAT wasn’t right. Then, during a Goggle search, the answer hit me on the head. No WONDER that name rang such a bell..it is one of the three US Virgin Islands. Duhhh.. I think the Spirits think the girls should go there instead of Florida. There is certainly plenty of tourism down there for work and play. Great Weather. Only restriction I could see in a quick review is that people there are not allowed to vote..it is a territory of the US, not a state. They have a non-voting presence in the US House.
Alligator represents Primal Energies of Birth, Motherhood and Initiation. According to Ted Andrews, "there is going to be an opportunity for strong birth and/or initiation that will open new knowledge and wisdom in some area of your life." Mangos "awakens the intuition and stimlates telepathy (and) has ties to the archetypal energies that awaken within the Aura the hope of true spiritual realization."
Friday, March 04, 2005
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