Thursday, March 18, 2004

Journey 39 - Prep for Counseling Apointment

3/18: A Journey simply to meet with my Power Animal (Eagle) and strengthen myself for the best possible results at tonight’s meeting. After smudging and lighting the Sacred Candle, I took off using the short version of the Meadows CD and began to focus on my intention, repeating it over and over until I was set to travel. I met Snake in the back yard and we zoomed around a bit looking for the Earth-opening of choice for this Trip. We traveled over the snow and finally went to where the Spirit Prayer Lodge is..and there stood the Tipi, all rainbow colored and so inviting. We went inside and into the Circle of Prayer People to a hole in the exact center of the Earth floor, and down we went. The walls of the Dirt Tunnel were covered in bright red Strawberries, and snake told me to enjoy a few on the way down, so I did. As we broke through the bottom of the Tunnel, we were hovering in the sky over the edge of a tremendously high Cliff, and situated about ¼ of the way down was a large outgrowth of Tree Branches with a large, embedded nest. Snake lowered me down the Cliff side into the Nest. It was sunset as I went down, and the sun went behind the opposing horizon. It darkened quickly, but while still twilight a very large Eagle came swooping into the nest. He was outlined in a soft, specked field of golden light. He placed me under his wings as if I were an Eaglet. He then spoke gently to me. He told me that I have been trying to deny my female side by repressing my emotional outbursts as bad. He said I was transferring my dislike of my own “feminine” emotional tirades onto my wife’s. (This is not a sexist remark..women traditionally are considered the more emotional half of the species.) Therefore, I was transferring the dislike as well. He told me I had to love and embrace my outbursts so I could likewise love and embrace my wife as well. He told me to honor who she is, her Path, completely, not to try to change it or get away from it or dislike it. He also told me to remain true to my budding Shamanism as well! He told me that is why the Hawk flew right over the house this was to honor my steadfast devotion to Shamanic prayer, teachings and forward movement, especially over the pat 24 hours or so. Still, I must not dishonor others’ Paths in any way. Also, my wife does not have to honor your Path..that is a western concept of marriage. Only I must honor my Path of Truth and Growth of my Spirit Self. This also means honoring who my wife is completely without changing her..that is the Shaman’s Way. He then took my Eagle and Owl Charms and brought them to the top of my Crown Chakra. He had them melt slowly into my Top Chakra so they could flow as liquid gold through each Chakra, down in succession. As I lay in bed I could feel the gold spin through each of the 7 centers, and then the two charms emerged at the bottom as themselves again. Eagle told me that the Spirit Essence of the Eagle and Owl Charms were now totally wrapped up in my Spirit Body, so that now both the Physical and Spiritual Bodies were wearing them. I then saw Two Feathers and Gray Wolf approach, and they lay down with me beneath Eagle’s Wing, and we all fell asleep. I now I dreamed, but they were typical dreams. When I awoke, I saw a young Eagle’s head outlined in gold perfectly in my visual cortex. Was it me? My PA? I thanked Eagle, TF and GW, and Snake and I returned. I thanked Snake, returned to the room, grounded, and awoke. I then pulled a Medicine Card to see what new instruction the Spirits might have for me. I went through the deck 4 times, as the first three picks were turned down by my Power Animal, Eagle (with whom I had just been speaking, of course. J) The fourth pick was OK’d, and when I turned the card over I was totally amazed. It was Hummingbird..MY WIFE’S new Totem! Talk about honoring her Path! Even better is Ted Andrew’s words concerning allow one’s feminine side to emerge (!) (“the Feminine to which we must give birth and expression to find our own joy”), and to “find the miracle of joy” in “accomplishing what seems inpossible.” I was very grateful for this very obvious and direct communication. I then rubbed my forehead with my Crystal Wand to increase my Shamanic vision, a new technique I’ve learned. End of Journey session.