Friday, February 25, 2005

Journeys 157 and 158 - The Purple Dragon/A Small Visit with the Twin Sister Spirit

2/25/05: I had originally intended for this Journey to be my attempt to contact the Twin sister's deceased sister again, as the former has seen a car that reminds her of her sister over and over fact, even in the past few days, she has seen that car several times. I feel strongly as does she that her sister is trying to contact her from the Spirit World, and so I decided to see what message she might have.

But this was not to be in THIS Journey. First, a small backgrounder. After the Soul Restoration Ceremony on the 23rd, I found the 24th to be one of the more aggravating mornings of recent memory. It seemed everything I did went sour, and I could almost feel some force working against me. Even as we were heading out to ski that day, I saw a huge Hawk fly just in front of the car from right to left, another sign that things were awry, that some danger was present. So I guess it was no surprise that after preparing myself for this Journey to visit with the deceased sister, things went off course VERY quickly.

I was whisked off to some dark woods almost immediately. No chance to meet with my Guides, or find a Tunnel. I saw before me a very large, light yellow Tipi, shimmering as it stood there. Suddenly a purple Dragon-like Being came flying from behind this Tipi and began to attack me. Having no Guides or Protectors, I realized I needed to fend off this attack myself..when suddenly I remembered I was physically wearing my Shaman’s Mirror! I called on both the Mirror and its Spirit, Utawa, the Blue Shaman. He came immediately and scooped me up, transporting me to the shore of a tropical island..about as far away as one could get, I suppose, from this wooded domain. There was my Guide, Owl. We saw and awaited a Tunnel’s appearance, and it was not long in coming. On the horizon we saw a black circle forming. As we headed for it, Eagle (my Power Animal) and Crosses in Front, my Lower World Guide Snake, joined us. They often come along on my Journeys to give me added protection and strength. We exited the Tunnel into dark, deserted, old woods. Nearby stood a decaying house, devoid of any signs of human life. We came up to am open grave..the tombstone revealed it belonged to one Henry Wade who had died in 1782. I instinctively pulled a Sword with a gleaming blade of light from my Shaman’s Mirror. Soon thereafter the purple Dragon Being came and sat in the open grave. This Dragon was obviously the shape Henry Wade’s angry Spirit had assumed. But why? I sensed that Henry had been cursed by a Native American Shaman for things Henry had done to the Shaman’s villagers in the past. The Dragon was therefore stalking the Earth and attacking other Shamans in revenge. I took my Mirror and released the curse from Henry, and there lay his bones in his grave. Eagle Claw, my Guide who takes Owl form, then turned to me and said I should probably have first asked the Shaman who had placed the curse on Henry for permission to release him. Ooops. Within seconds, we were back in my bedroom, and there I found that Shaman’s Spirit waiting for me. Just prior to this, I had seen a fleeting image of a man being pulled out of a window violently by a rope tied around his neck. This suggested that hanging had been involved in whatever Henry had done to the Natives. The Native Shaman now spoke, and told me Henry had been very bad to his tribal members, and I had now just set “him” loose, versus properly fixing his Spirit and releasing it from its negative aspects. Why had I done this? I told the Shaman that Henry was now going around attacking other Shamans, myself included just today. The Shaman, who revealed himself now as “West Wind”, took out a small Tipi-shaped Crystal. It was the same shape and color as the one I had seen at the start of this journey, but much smaller now. I could see the purple Dragon still flying around it. I had indeed released Henry from the Curse but not taken care of his Anger. We both then released Henry and watched as his Spirit moved up into the Sky as a Rainbow. West wind then gifted me: he placed a thin, off-white light shield and melded it into my Aura, to remain there permanently. It was as if he had given some of his essence to me. I now have the added strength of Shaman West Wind’s Spirit in mine. I shall honor him and call on him as circumstances demand in future Shamanic work. Then the Call Back sounded and the Journey ended.

I have since done a bit of research on the name Henry Wade and his date of death. There are a lot of Henry Wades and the Search Engine is not too good at isolating the exact person just yet. If I have time someday I’ll do more research..what matters is that Henry is restored.

The second Journey of the day was now on, and was the one intended before the above events transpired. I was already in Sacred Space and so opened the Drum CD and began focusing on my intention. I found myself sitting with Owl in the middle of a very large Tree. Below us the Tree was completely barren, and from our level upwards the Tree was rich with green boughs of fir. Below us was an unrecognizable Planet, whitish with a rough surface but no distinguishable features. It almost looked like tapioca. Owl and I then went upwards, through the green branches. We actually past through versus by them, and the branches produced a cool and refreshing feeling as they swept through me. We went by the Tree Top and into Space. Off to my right I saw a room. Upon further inspection, as I got closer, it had the look of a sunroom, bright yellow, with the Sun pouring in from the left. There was a fireplace at the far end. A woman was leaning slightly forward on a beige couch on the left side, sun to her back, her hands clutched together. There was a coffee table before her. This was the Twin Sister in the Spirit World. She told me the car sightings were indeed a message to her sister here on Earth that she missed her a lot, and was therefore always with her. I should interject at this point that I was very tired when beginning this Journey, and so from here on in found myself fading in and out quite a bit. I saw several images after this: the sister offered me a porcelain mound that soon turned into a small Crystal bowl filled with small chocolate covered somethings, perhaps raisins. I also saw her in a Trading post-like store, outdoors wear, holding up a pullover hat with long drawstrings down either side, colored with very small white and red checks. At another point where I faded in, I saw the Sister turn into her Spirit Self. At a later moment, she told me to tell her sister here to “keep a leg up.” The Call Back sounded, and I returned to take a nap. During this in-and-out nap, though, a final image appeared. I saw a young girl sitting on a stool with her back to the wall, holding onto what I believe was a small doll or toy. There was a doorway immediately to her left, and a stove to the left of the doorway where I was standing. I got the sense this was from a time quite a few years ago.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Journey 156 - Soul Restoration for the Twin Sister

2/23/05: This Journey was taken in order to restore the Twin sister's Soul Piece. The Sister and her daughter (who came for support) showed up at exactly 10 AM, as previously arranged. They had small gifts for me and and my wife..such lovely people. This was to be my first Journey and Soul Restoration done “live”, that is, with the person present. I also was to speak aloud as the Journey progressed, and this was also a first. I felt that if the sister could actually hear what I was experiencing as I brought back her Soul Piece, as it actually was happening, it would mean so much more to her. The question was: could I do it?! Time would tell..

For the Retrieval and Restoration, I had set up an Altar in my Family room by covering the coffee table with my thick cotton shirt with a huge Eagle on it. I use this shirt for my object consecrations. Upon the shirt I placed my Sacred much Spirit Energy there, and a must to be witness and Helper! I placed my Smudge Bowl, and Eagle Feather with which to fan both the Sage and Sweet Grass. In the center was the Sacred Candle, brand new so Janie could take it with her. At the Cardinal points I placed four tiny Stone People who had volunteered earlier in the day, there to form the boundaries of the Altar Circle. They also left with her after the Restoration. Finally, I had my Rattle there. It had requested new Feathers be placed on it for this Ceremony..the other two that had been there for months had suddenly just fallen off. All was therefore in the ready prior to their arrival.

Before the Ceremony, we spoke for almost an hour about Shamanism and the principals of Soul, Soul Loss, the three Spirit Worlds, Helpers, etc. We spoke a bit of western religions and their lack of emphasis both on the importance of Female Power in the Sacred Balance, and how to actually access the Spirit Worlds in order to achieve Spiritual independence. I also went into great detail about exactly what I would be doing during the Ceremony, and why. Finally, we were ready.

We sat comfortably, and I had chosen a couch on which to eventually lie and Journey with my Drum CD while the others sat comfortably and watched, my wife from her chair and the sister and daughter on the other couch. I explained the concept of Smudging, using the Sage to repel negative Energies and Sweet Grass to call in positive Spirits. I told of the concept of the Fire: representing us living at our center, being our own personal flame, made of both matter and energy, in touch with all space and time and the Great Spirit. I used the Eagle Feather to spread the Smoke around, using a figure-8 pattern to represent Infinity, the Circle of Existence. I then took up the Rattle and opened up Sacred Space by Rattling to the 7 directions. I prayed aloud while Rattling to each Spirit element, and tied in the sister’s needs with my traditional prayers. I explained how by Rattling at the roughly the same speed as the drumming, I prepare myself in advance for leaving my body. When I then laid down to Journey, I explained how I was focusing on my single find and bring back the Soul repeating it over and over until I saw the beginning visions of the Journey begin.

They weren’t long in coming. I was suddenly in a dense and rich Forest, Trees thick with brilliantly green canopies. I saw my Upper World Guide Owl fly toward me from one of the Trees. He lifted me up to the top of the Canopy of Trees. I spoke this aloud as it was happening, as I did with all the key events I’m reporting here. The speaking did not interfere with the Journey at all, and this gives me great hope that I can do this with others as well. As Owl and I sat on top of a Tree, awaiting the Tunnel to the Upper World in the Sky to form, I noticed the Clouds were Orange. Suddenly, a light green Sphere appeared in the Sky. We flew toward this, the Tunnel Opening. Suddenly my Power Animal, Eagle, flew in from the right to join us. I think he just wanted to come along for the “Joy ride.” We soon exited the Tunnel and were out in Deep Space. The background thereof was a twilight blue versus its traditional black. It was a stunning sight to see the stars hanging in this blue Space. Very soon, off to the right, I spotted a small Rock Ledge hanging in Space. It was very similar to the Ledge upon which I had my first meeting in Space with Eagle Claw (Owl). I saw the little girl standing there. I didn’t even have to go back to the Cave of Lost Souls, where I had had a brief visit with her in a prior Journey. Next to her was a small Pool of Water with a Mirror-like stillness. We looked in together, and the reflection of the little was the big twin sister, announcing the coming reunion! Then, grabbing hands, she and I jumped into the Pond, with Owl and Eagle coming along as well. The Pond quickly became an Ocean, filling the scene from horizon to horizon. The Sky was a light blue with ill-defined white Clouds..quite tranquil. The Ocean then became my Shaman’s Mirror surface. The little one then came up to me and hugged my leg, looked up and said, “thank you!” She then told me that she loved me for helping her. These actions brought me to tears. She then told me that as she re-entered her older self, she was going to be saying “I love you” over and over, and asked that the sister do the same. She then asked that the sister forgive her for leaving her as she did..which again brought me to tears. She then melded into the Mirror, ready for the Transfer. Owl and Eagle and I then zoomed back up to the green Tunnel and returned to the Forest. Owl came up to me and point blank range and stared at me, as if pouring Energy into me. Eagle gathered me into the cozy space beneath his left Wing. The Journey was now over. I kept trying to advance the CD to the Call Back drumming but could not, so I brought myself back manually by tapping on the player once the Drumming was off. I was soon back in the Family Room, my face still wet with tears.

The sister asked how it felt upon returning, and although it is very hard to describe the feeling of having been away and suddenly being back where you were before, I did my best. I said I felt a tranquility and peace that is unlike anything you can experience in normal living. You are both one with and yet totally apart from everything at the same time as you return. You feel as if your body has stopped working, and is now just starting back up again.

I then took the Mirror and held it over the Sacred Flame to warm the little Soul Piece up a bit, and to infuse the Mirror with the Energy of the Twin Sister’s Eternity, as represented by the Candle. I then handed the Mirror to the sister and had her hold it over her Heart and then her Head, to let her little Soul Piece come in through the Chakras in both places. She did this in silence, holding the Mirror close. I had my eyes shut and hands pressed together. During the Transfer, I saw the little girl jumping on her lawn, turn to me and then wave goodbye. I then saw the Blue Shaman, Spirit of my Mirror, hovering over the sister and moving his hands down both sides of her body to help seal in the Restoration. The sister then reported that she felt an immense calm, a relaxation, and that her hands had become very heated holding the Mirror. This was of course due to the transfer of her Soul Piece’s Spirit Energy back to her. We talked more after that, and I explained how different people react differently to such a Reunion with a Soul Piece. Some get flooded with emotions/issues long since missing or dormant. Others fell little to nothing initially, and then just a minor change. Her reaction of peacefulness boded very well for this Restoration.

I decided to do a follow-on Journey for her concerning the possibility her twin Sister was trying to reach her from the Spirit Camp. She also asked me to check her Aura, and I found a small dark area on the left side of her head. She confirmed then that there was indeed still a problem there needing resolution, the same problem that had led me to my first Journey for her. I plan to check this out as well.

Some post-notes: The Orange Clouds: orange is the color of joy and wisdom and creativity, according to Ted Andrew’s The Healers Manual. “It stimulates feeling of socialness. It is tied to our emotional health and to the muscular/nervous systems. Individuals experiencing emotional paralysis are helped by this color.” The Blue of Deep Space seems to me to represent the Spirit of my Mirror, the Blue Shaman, Utawa. This is made more certain by the fact that the little Soul Piece was standing next to a mirror-like Pond..a sure sign she was ready and eager for the Restoration to place via my Mirror. The Pond temporarily becoming an Ocean signified the rich fullness of female Energy involved here. The little girl's exuberance and excitement over the impending reunion was nothing short of astonishing and emotionally overwhelming. Very gratifying. The fact the the sister felt so much peace and relaxation after the Reunion showed that indeed her childlike qualities had returned to her with her Soul Piece. In fact, she reported to me that next day that she was still in a very relaxed and unhurried mode. Finally, I wish all Shamans could deal with such opening-minded and sweet persons. The sister and her daughter were so patient, willing and helpful, and it made the Ceremony flow so much better. :)

Finally, my wife had suggested before they left that they take my VCR tape by Albert Villoldo, who has had extensive dealings with Andes Shamans, is a Shaman himself, and who does a super job explaining the Spirit Energy Body and how imprints and entities cause illness. She wrote to me the next day to say how much she really enjoyed it..she’s gonna watch it again! She finally knows the Truth.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Journeys 154 and 155 - Helping my Daughter Cope/Friend's House Revisited

2/22/05: A Journey to help my daughter find relaxation with her extremely hectic life, taken at her request. I prepared in the usual way and began. I was soon in a rather flat land, covered with deep Snow, with short Pine Trees dotting the area. I heard beautiful female singing in the air. Owl arrived and hovered before me, and suggested I turn around, since the singing was now coming from directly behind me. There, in resplendent light-beauty, stood the Spirit of Song herself, looking about 30 feet tall in our measurements. As she sang, her Aura changed colors with the notes, so that each sound had its own Aural existence. It was breathtakingly beautiful to watch and hear. She began to speak to me, with advice for my Daughter. She said that all songs are played and/or sung one note at a time. Life must be lived the same way. One does not attempt to play an entire symphony at once, but rather goes through each note, giving each its due value and energy. Thus it must be with our life tasks. I was then lifted up into the Sky, and I saw ethereal Wind Spirits floating by. Each was singing a unique song. The Spirit of Song told me then that each human has a Wind Spirit assigned specifically to him or her, and each Spirit is meant to deliver that unique song to each person. The trouble is, she said, most Humans do not listen for their Wind, or more accurately, Soul Song. Once a Human knows his or her Soul song, though, they experience a calm and centering unmatched in any prior experience here on Earth. They can always return to this calmness simply by singing their Soul Song. The Spirit of Song told me my daughter must listen for her Soul the Wind, or in a Dream, asked for before falling asleep. She’ll know when it enters, for the feeling of Peace will be profound. Spirit then told me I could place my daughter’s Wind Spirit in her silver Bear Charm I bought her, and the Spirit would live there with her Power Animal until Jen heard her song, which would be hovering right over her head the entire time. She just needs to hear it. I then began wondering if I had heard my Soul song yet. In a duhhhh! Moment, Spirit of Song then reminded me of my Hollow Bone notes. THAT, she said, is your Soul Song, for you can use it to Journey instantly from wherever you are. I then heard my Song Notes being sung by what seemed like multitudes. The Trees and Landscape then exploded into millions of colored specks of Spirit Energy. My Power Animal Eagle flew by me, also singing my Soul Song..then Owl brought me back to the room. I thanked Owl and the spirit of Song. After this Journey, I consecrated my daughter’s Bear Charm, added the Wind sprit carrying her Soul song, and gave it to her, with a verbal description of the lessons given in this Journey.

This second Journey was to check out the Spiritual make-up of my dear friend’s Mother’s house in a nearby town. This was a follow-up Journey to one taken a month or so ago in which I had seen that house being slowly covered in a black, dripping molasses of negative Energy. After that Journey, I had suggested to my friend that she place an Oboo (a Stone Person mound with Twigs standing up, with colored streamers on it..a gift of the Mongolian Shaman tradition) in the house to attract good Spirits from the local area to help ward off this rain of darkness that was occurring.

She had placed the Oboo in the Attic a week or two ago, and so I told her I would revisit the House and see if the Oboo had helped. As I arrived at the House with Owl, I saw massive changes indeed. The entire structure was now composed of a thin, wispy if it had no solid form. It had the appearance of being made entirely of heat Energy. Up in the Attic, where the Oboo had been placed, there was a tremendous conflagration of Golden Mana, looking like a small fireworks display. I saw some of the local Nature Spirits up there, dancing around the “Fire”, and they invited me to join in. I went up and as I danced around, the Oboo became a purple color, the color of highest Spirituality. As I peered into the Vortex, I could see images of the house and people who had lived there from past times. My continual dancing made the Vortex begin growing upwards, and it soon shot up into the Sky. I went up and into Space to observe its new top. There, I saw millions of colored specks flowing form nearby Stars flowing smoothly into the Vortex and sinking down through it toward Earth. I went back down, and observed the Star Specks beginning to fill the lowest parts of the House up with golden Energy. The House is being reclaimed! The Dancers then told me to look for a particular Stick in my yard to add to the Oboo..recent snows have delayed that. They also told me to take one of my last remaining small Quartz Crystals and wash it with Arshaan (Shaman Blessing Liquid) and have that placed on the Oboo as well. I then looked up and saw Rock Pigeons circling the House, as always reflecting the various Rainbow Colors. I was to give my friend a Pigeon Feather for her Oboo also. Finally, one of the Pigeons came up to me and began placing bird seed from its mouth into my hand. I was to place a small amount of Bird seed in a pouch and have that placed at the Oboo.

Here the Journey ended..but I still had a bit of time left, and so I moved into my own Vortex. I watched as the following images flittered across my Visual Cortex: Owl sitting at a Fire (reminding me of the Oboo work just done), Fox’s face transforming into a Deer Face (representing camouflaging and family, tempered with gentleness), and then a Bear walking along with a Star balanced on the tip of its nose. The Bear stopped and looked at me..I could see both eyes shine for a second or two. Bear represents healing, and the fact her was carrying a Star along showed that indeed the Energy from the Stars was healing the house. That was that. I thanked all the Spirits and returned.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Journey 153- For my Son's Friend's Uncle

2/13/05: This Journey was taken on behalf on an Uncle of my son’s friend who has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. I promised I would check out the Spiritual underpinnings of this disease and see what might be done. What follows is one of the richer and more challenging results. I prepared in the usual way, Smudging, Rattling and lighting the Sacred Candle..and then I was off. I set the CD for a 15 minute time.

As I entered the Spirit World, I found myself clinging to a mostly submerged log lying across a quickly flowing River. I was up to my chin in the water. Owl flew in and landed on the log. I looked beneath the surface and saw a Sea Bass a few feet ahead, paused in the flow and staring at me, indicating he wished to tell or show me something. When I poked my head back up into the air, the River had risen, and my supporting log was totally submerged. Owl then lifted me out of the Water and we rose quickly several hundred feet up into the air. From there, we could see the River extending into the distance, with Sea Bass swimming up along it, and we followed. Owl and I then noticed a tiny, circular inlet to the right that was filled with a red liquid, which we assumed correctly was blood. We swooped down to check it out, and as we approached I saw a large, black, Gorilla-like Spirit Being dancing on the shores of this little pool of blood. Owl and I swooped into a Tree and landed very close by. From there we could see the pool of blood seething, as if boiling, and being stirred up by this Being, who seemed to be enjoying his actions very much. I then looked off to my right slightly, and in a clearing next to this pond saw a man kneeling over a second man, who was on his back. The former was beating on the latter with a stick or a bat. I then saw a body float up to the surface in the pool. The Being then literally pulled a black blanket over the entire area, turning it to night. The only light was from the glowing pool of blood. I assumed at this time that, with events left unchecked, this might signal an early death for the Uncle. So, I asked Owl if we could get a Power Animal or in some other way intervene on his behalf. At this point, my Lower World Guide Snake came along from behind me to my right, and took me quickly over to a small opening in the ground. We went down a Tunnel of Water and ended up in the Ocean. As I floated there with Crosses in Front (Snake), several Sharks approached me and circled. None seemed to be engaging enough to be a Power Animal. Crosses and I then were led by a Dolphin and zoomed along until we came to a Council of Dolphins, all “seated” in a circle. We took a place at this Council, and asked if there were a Power Animal available for the Uncle. After some hemming and hawing, a baby Dolphin burst up from below and grabbed me. He took me over to the Pool of Blood and then beneath it. There, I could see a portion of the inside of a house, well-stocked with shelves and collectibles, items of sentimental value. Into this room from the floor was seeping a green/blue gas, rising in tiny, individual streams. This told me there was a physical underpinning to the Cancer..some sort of chemical leakage or perhaps radon gas. Baby Dolphin then returned me to the Council, where again I asked about a Power Animal. At this point a Rainbow Trout zoomed in and jumped into my pocket. This was the PA! Crosses and I then quickly returned to the surface, where I rejoined Owl. Emboldened with the PA, I announced my presence by standing up with my Shaman’s Mirror and pointed it at the Being. He sensed my presence and seemed to know a Shaman had come against him, for although he came right up and stared at us, he seemed powerless to go any further. I then absorbed his Energy and the Black Sky Energy into my Mirror, restoring the daylight. I was then instructed to take the Mirror outside after the Journey and place it on the ground to a count of 7, so that other Earth could absorb and transmute the darkness. I don’t recall if the pool turned a normal color after the absorbing..I wasn’t shown this. At this point, we flew back to the log. I was soon standing on the surface of my Mirror, a place that seems to be a meeting place with my Guides. Eagle Claw (Owl) and Utawa, the Spirit of the Mirror, were both there. They were fashioning something with their hands, and presented it to me. It looked a lot like the symbol one sees on the cloth covering of an altar in a Catholic church. I believe it is the symbol of the Pope or perhaps Peter, a “P” with a smaller “X” overlaid. This symbol then turned into a pile of small sticks in the shape of a Tipi, and the Rainbow Trout jumped out of my pocket and dove into this pile, circling down and growing smaller as he went, then disappearing. I was led to understand that this pile of sticks was the Uncle’s bones, and that the Power Animal was now at work therein to help fight this disease. The Journey was near an end now. My Guides told me that was all they had. I was now back in my room back acutely aware that some sort of Energy was moving along my skin, mainly in the legs. I sensed a Dark Being hovering over me, with the Dark Energy sinking into me temporarily. I asked my Helpers to come and remove it, and Snake and my Guardian Two Feathers both came and lifted this Energy off me as if it were a piece of stiff paper, or a sheet of thin glass. They folded this “paper” up and put it inside my Mirror, to be disposed off along with the rest of the Energy I had collected. I can’t be sure if this was a remnant of the “gorilla” dark Energy I had collected earlier, or another weak force coming against me as a general matter. In either case, this attack was a first for a Journey’s end, and I am grateful my Helpers cleared it from me. The Mirror, lying on my chest, served as a block to the Energy, which flattened out along the lane of the Mirror like a dark fluid along a glass bottom, and penetrated no further. A classic example of the Mirror repelling negative Energies.

Here are the messages I can glean from this:

Water: the rising Water in the River, and the use of Fish for transport, all indicate an immense presence of either emotional or feminine turmoil. In particular, the rising of the river shows the problem is getting worse with time. The Uncle needs to rein in his emotions and/or fix problems with the feminine side of himself or others.

Sea Bass: An ocean fish. This, and the fact we found the PA (a freshwater, River fish) out in the Ocean indicates a problem with distinguishing the Big Picture in Life (Ocean) from the Little Details, the “small stuff” (River). The Uncle needs to see the big picture..

Violence: Can’t be sure if the Uncle is the victim or the perpetrator of violence, or perhaps he or those close to him resort in verbal violence. In either case, this must stop. A gentle, calm and reasoning approach to problems is required.

Dolphins: The Council of Dolphins: Dolphins represent the power of Sound and Breath. They use sound in the water to manifest their desires, and the Uncle could learn a lesson about using sounds properly in his emotions to affect desired results in his life. Also, breathing is very important..slow, deep breathing is much healthy than short, nervous breaths. Dolphin means it’s time to breathe new life into yourself..get out and play in the waters of life.

Rainbow Trout: The Uncle must begin to reflect back some of the light and positive Energies others are pouring into him, and in a beautiful way. By reflecting back what others are giving with much more beauty than is received, one heals oneself. In essence, one’s Aura (and especially the Uncle’s) must be bursting with colors at all times..

Bones: White Blood cells come from the bones, and so having the Power Animal go into them is a very good sign that if the Uncle makes some of the changes recommended here by the Helpers, his immune system will take care of his problem.

Chemicals: Obviously there is some chemical cause as mentioned above, radon gas, a cleaner, a solvent..something is reacting very dangerously with the Uncle’s tissues. This must be found and eliminated.

Catholic reference: This means the Uncle must re-energize his Spiritual self, not necessarily go back to any organized religion. I don’t know if he is a Catholic, but the symbology speaks to his finding his core beliefs in Spirit matters and going back into proper relationship with these beliefs.

Gorilla shape of Dark Being: Apes represent self-control, self-discipline, and confidence to express oneself through gentleness and kindness. The fact this Totem was the primary Dark Energy implies these qualities are compromised in the Uncle..he needs to bring them back, and regain the respect of those around him who miss them.

The removal of the Dark Being and Sky into my Mirror and subsequent release into Mother Earth (which I did right after the Journey) means the opportunistic Spirit that had latched onto and was stimulating the Disease has been removed. This alone will allow healing to move in (even if a minor surgery is required to remove the physical remnants)..but this will last only as long as the Emotional and Spiritual Healing outlined above also occurs, and the physical cause (toxic gas of some sort) is gone.

10/13/05: My son reports via his Friend that the Uncle's Cancer has gone into remission!! Wat a great joy to hear!!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Lost & Found and other Mini-Journeys

1/29/05: I had misplaced a book several months ago and have been looking for it the past few days in every nook and cranny, as I wish to lend it out to a friend who is very interested in Shamanism. Having had no luck whatsoever, including looking through our main bookshelves numerous times, I finally performed a mini-Hollow Bone Journey this morning before I got up. I whistled myself in as always after mentally opening up Sacred space in my room. I was ushered into a large library, and there was an older woman wearing a librarian smock who was climbing ladders to the very tall shelf-walls of books. I got the impression she was THE head Librarian of the Universe. I asked where my book was, and she showed me two key images, the first of which I rejected at the time as not very likely, the second of which I took as vital. The first image showed the book’s surroundings. It was indirectly lit, as if in my dining room, but other books were surrounding it, or at least in front. The reason I rejected this first image is because it seemed to be the bookshelves in my house I had searched many times, and I had already looked carefully behind all the books (except for on one shelf).. So how could it be there?! The second image showed that the book was lying in such a way that I would not be able to read its title. That is, the pages side of the book was showing versus the spine. This info convinced me to look on our bookshelves one more time, but this time do a really thorough search. I finally looked in the shortest shelf, where mini-books are kept, which I had only searched in passing. I had assumed the book couldn’t be there as it was much taller than this little space could handle. But in my new mode, knowing the book was on its spine or front/back, I looked behind the small books carefully this time, and on the very right, behind them, was a book lying on its back. I could not see the title, just the whiteness of the pages. But I knew I had found it, as it was the image in my Journey! And there it was. And of course now I realize the first image I got, of the book surrounded by others in the light of our dining room, was equally valid. Never reject anything you get on a Journey. :) Finding lost objects like this is a Shamanic capability that can come in very handy..

1/30/05: Today I took a small journeyto try and find my son's missing snowboarding boots. We have searched everywhere in our house and shed to no avail. On my Journey, I found te boots sitting against a large, blank wall, one standing, one on its side. I remember looking at the environs and thinking, "this place does not look familiar to me." Since then my son has recalled leaving the boots at his girlfriend's house last spiring, and she thinks her brother took them to college. No wonder I couldn't recognize the setting!!

2/5/05: This morning, at my morning Prayer Site, I took a small journey to look for the sumer shower curtain wife just couldn't seem to find them where she thought they would be. On my Journey, in which I used the Spiritual Hollow Bone, I was taken to a large room, the "location of all lost things room". There, I was met by Utawa, who told me to use my Mirror to find the hangars. I gazed into the surface, and saw a large box sitting up in the attic where we keep the Christmas curtains, etc. I dismissed this imagery as not being right, for certainly my wife would know if she had placed them there..she was in that box a week ago or so. So I tried to retool, but Blue Shaman told me to empty my mind and relax! At that point, I heard a noise to my left. A squirrel was scooting up my Epiphany Tree, quite close to me. So I asked Squirrel for help. I melded with the Squirrel Spirit, and we went quickly through my house. Squirrel looked briefly in the bags hanging on a pegboard on the closet side, but then scooted up the attic stairs. Back to the attic, and to that box. At this point, I ended the Journey, not quite sure if I had been sensitive enough to receive the Truth.

Turns out, they were in the box in the attic. You'd think by now I'd realize that the well-executed Journeys always produce the Truth. :)

2/10/05: One of the People I'm helping asked me to locate a pair of ear warmers for her husband and son that have gone missing. I decided to use the Hollow Bone. I blew Smudge through it, then placed it on my chest next to my Shaman's Mirror. I whsitled as taught in a Journey and was soon inside the Bone. My two new Helpers, Ducks Ongwon and Aduwa, appeared and flew rigght over me, producing the tunneling sound of their wing rushes I had heard before when outside praying. The tunnel of noise then puled me up and I was flying just beneath them, as if held up by this Tunnel of disturbed Air. They landed on a small Lake and told me to look down. I saw a storage area. There was asmall wooden box next to a door to the left and a work bench to the right. I got the impression the warmers were either in or behind the box. I also was shown the back of the passenger seat of a mini van but got the impression that the warmers were NOT there. I then was taken back through the Tunnel of Wing whirring into an area filled with molecules of brass. I then resurfaced on my Mirror, walked past my Bone, and rejoined my Body.

2/13/05: An extraordinary Calling this morning as I began to shower. I was pulled through a wavy canopy of Leaves and Branches into a Rain Forest. I spotted a large Tree with a bright red human Heart embedded in its trunk, directly in front of me. It was smaller, like a child's. I was told to merge with this Heart, and as I did so I became one with the Tree. I felt so deeply rooted and relaxed, so at one with my surroundings. I knew any Living Thing was welcome, and that weather conditons were completely exterior to my existence. I got a tremendous feeling of being grounded and centered..the feeling of a Shaman. The Standing person then released me and told me to remember our leave behind the relics of my past as I was so recently instructed, and assume fuly now the mantle of the ready at all times to work and pray for any cause. This was all the more amazing since last night I had stumbed across a Travel Channel special on a Shaman at work in his Village, complete with Animal Blessing and House Blessing Ceremonies. I felt so at one with this person as he danced..I knew the feeling of the trance he was in. I also knew this was a calling by my Helpers to finally get serious about my being a Shaman. One must either be one or not. I can't live half my life as a westerner and half as a Shaman. The "relics" must go. As if to re-emphasize this point, after my Morning Prayers today, during which I asked to be brought fully into the camp for once and for all, I found two Mourning Dove (my Pipe protection birds) Feathers in the snow where the Birds feed. My Guardian's name is Two Feathers, and she was obviously thanking and congratulating me on my decision. These were my first Feathers in literally months. This is how it works, folks. You commit to the Spirits and they commit to you..tey bring you to places for training, and they actually bring you physical gifts of thanks and remembrance. I have placed these Feathers on my Shaman's Mirror so it can absorb the "wind horse" (Spirit Essence) of the Feathers and the moment.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Journey 152 - A New Year's Meeting

2/10/05: The purpose of this Journey, the first since Bituun ended and the New Year’s/White Moon Festival began, was simply to visit with my Guides, refreshed from their trip back to the Sky Father on the evening/night of the 7th. My specific goal was to find out what advice they had for me as we began another year together. I opened Sacred Space with Rattling and Smudging, then lit the Sacred Candle. I wore the Mirror for the first time in a Journey not related to the Mirror itself. As the Drumming began, I saw Owl approaching lit in a sparkling golden hue. As he swept the area with his wings, pale blue striping was left in his wake, and he quickly colored over the scene into the color of the Gol..the center point where all Space, Time and Spirit meets. Owl then came and stood beside me on my right side, and became my old friend Eagle Claw. Then, Eagle burst through the blue “fabric” and circled in. He was also lit from within, and was quite radiant, even in his darker colors. Crosses in Front, my Snake Guide, emerged from below, her skin covered in tiny colorful specks of Light. Pink Swan then flew in from left of center. Utawa, the Blue Shaman and Shaman of my Mirror, came up out of the Mirror surface, which we were now standing on. My Guides then allowed me to sink down through the Mirror surface, whereupon I found myself standing beneath an extensive trellis filed with Concord Grape Vines, as wide and long as one could see. The aroma was heavenly, superb! I approached several bunches of Grapes and could hear them speaking. In a uniform whisper, they were saying, “we live according to the Plan for our Lives and therefore are in total Joy.” I knew this was an important message for me and my Shamanism. I then was whisked upwards and found myself moving through some Cloud People, through which many different colored Suns were soaring. Then, a very localized set of Water Waves appeared, upon which I was floating. And then it was back to the Mirror, where one by one each of my Guides merged their Spirits into my Body, each enjoying that aspect of my Robe that they missed most. As each passed into me, I was that Spirit and myself at the same time. I merged with Owl, Eagle, Snake and Utawa. I could feel them sensing existence in Human form again, and really enjoying it. Once I was just myself again, ahead of me, two Ducks appeared. Recall that during my Prayer Smoke during the arrival of the Spirits, Two Ducks over-flew my Prayer site. I have seen many Duck flybys in the past few weeks, and a few months ago experienced a dramatic “tunneling” of their Wing sounds as they flew overhead during my Morning Prayers. All this had convinced me that Duck Medicine was mine for this year, and so it was really no surprise when the two Ducks appeared to me. Their names are Ongwon and Aduwa. They will specifically help me “dive” below the surface to find the “food” I seek, be it knowledge, help, whatever. I then saw on my Visual Cortex a Duck with a very long neck, telling me I will have to dig quite deep sometimes to get the food. I was then sent back to the Grape Grove by my Guides for a vital message for the New Year: It was spoken to me by a Spirit unknown. I heard, “you must abandon the Relics and save what is Necessary.” This was essentially the end of the Journey, and it wasn’t long before the Call Back Drumming jolted me back to the Room. The message is clear: there are still some “old me” issues that are holding me back. This was re-emphasized last evening when I performed a coin-based divination. He message for my Shamanic Work this next year was one of “you must work harder.” I am grateful to be cared for so much..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Journey 151 - The Return of the Spirits

2/8/05: This evening, at 5:28 PM, the Moon turned New. This signaled the beginning of the White Moon Festival, Mongolian New Year and the first day of spring. Most important to many Shamans, though, is that this is the ending of Bituun (the night just before the New Moon when all the Helper and Guide Spirits return to Father Sky to relax and re-energize for the year’s work ahead). I had honored the two-week period between the last Full Mom and today’s New by resisting any Shamanic work, except for emergencies, of which I had none, and a single Journey to meet my Mirror. Today marks the day (in fact, the second the Moon turns new) when all the Helpers and Guides return from Father Sky to begin a new year of Spiritual work through their Shaman intermediaries such as myself. Last night, during Bituun, I humbly offered the column of Spirit Energy above my 5-Stone Altar to the Helpers as a transport medium up to the Sky Father. I told them I would be honored if they chose to use my Sacred Altar as a launching place. Afterwards, as I held my hands out over the Altar, I could feel so much Energy vibrating through my fingers that they almost felt hot. J

There is a small ritual Mongolian Shamans perform to welcome back the Spirits at the precise minute of the New Moon, but before I get into describing my version, I’ll preface by saying that about an hour prior to the “moment of return”, I performed my first Sacred Pipe Smoke in quite a while. I wore my Mirror for the first time during a Smoke. There is really no higher way to pray and honor the Spirits than to Smoke the Sacred Pipe. My readers know that in many of my Journeys the Elders are sitting in a Circle with a Pipe going round. The main focus of this afternoon’s Smoke was preparation. I knew from recent Journeys that the arrival of my Mirror and the beginning of the White Moon would signal a much more involved and serious year of work for me. I wanted to Smoke to cleanse myself, to be ready for my Guides’ and Helpers’ returns. Part of the tasking of the 2-week period leading up to this New Moon is to cleanse oneself of any grudges, angers, resentments, bitterness, etc., toward anyone else. While this is the main goal for all humans, it is especially important that Shamans remove any negative Energies that might be lingering from the past year. So during my Smoke I paid attention most to blowing prayers onto my Mirror and cleansing my Aura, and praying for myself to be worthy of another year of Shamanism. I left a layer of Smoke at ground level for the Helpers to land in as well. The Smoke went beautifully, thick and white, and dispersed gracefully around me the entire time. I laid the Ashes onto the 5-Stone Alter at the conclusion. At the start of my Smoke, a single Duck flew by above me, and at the conclusion thereof, a pair of Ducks flew by at the same height and heading in the same direction (ESE). I have seen so many ducks in recent days that I took this to signify that this coming year will feature Duck as one of my prime totems. Ducks float on Water (emotion, femininity) but dive beneath the surface to find their nuggets of food. This tells me that I will be particularly good this year at intuiting the Truth among surging emotions. During this Smoke, as I alluded to above, I wore my Mirror for the first time. This not only allowed the Mirror to absorb the Energies of this Smoke, but also those of all my other prior Smokes in this Sacred Place. It also welcomed the Mirror to my brand of Shamanism, for every Shaman’s Walk is unique. At one point toward the end of my Smoke, I was able to see the blobs of dark Energy falling from my Aura and landing in the snow at my feet. The blobs merged with the snow and produced rainbow colors in the process.

I then set up for my mini-ritual, following the guidance of Sarangerel. I made an oboo of a mini-mountain of snow, and atop this placed 14 toothpicks. These signify the 7 sisters and honor the Sacred Ancestor Shaman Spirits who live in the Pleiades, and the other 7 the Star People of the Big Dipper. I placed a small sprig of Sage next to them, to be lit just before 5:28. I then lit my Journey Candle and placed it within the boundaries of my 5-Stone Altar. As I stood and watched as the minutes counted down, I saw the Spirits waiting to return, and again prayed that I would be worthy to be the “hollow bone” for their work this year. As 5:27 struck, I lit the Sage and got ready top recite an ancient Mongolian chant at 5:28. Once the time hit, I said the chant while beating on my shed to simulate the Shaman’s Drum. At this time, all the Spirits were flooding back to Earth to begin the new year. I then began to drum on the shed once again, and began a Journey, now perfectly acceptable. I saw my own Aura, exceptionally bright. My Mirror was on my chest and was burned into my Aura, becoming a brilliant sun-white orb simmering on my chest..a blinding white light in our terms. The Mirror is now a permanent part of my Aura, and will protect me whether or not the physical version is on me. I then looked up to see my primary Guides and Helpers: Eagle Claw, Crosses in Front, Pink Swan, Blue Shaman, Two Feathers and Gray Wolf..all around me. It was so good to see them back! They lifted me off the ground and propelled me at tremendous speed through the air. Within a second or so I was plunging into Lake Baikal in Mongolia, ancestral home of many powerful Shaman Spirits. I was just as quickly flung up into space to pass right through the Sun, in all its brightness. We then flew quickly back and passed through the Moon. By passing through both Sun and Moon, Sacred Balance of Male and Female was assured. Then I was scooted up the Pleiades, where a Council of Elders sat with a Pipe. One reached out to me and traced my Shaman’s symbol into my Spirit Mirror, truly making it mine, and empowering it to work with me with the greatest efficiency. I was then escorted quickly back to a spot above the Earth. I looked down to the surface and saw thousands upon thousands of returned Spirits there, of many colors, but each resplendent and glowing. Yes, truly, the Helpers are back, and in amazing numbers. From here I was escorted back to my yard and I re-emerged into this reality. I left the Oboo in place with the Candle burning, so the retuning Spirits could warm themselves. I left the Candle out there for over an hour..

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Journey 150 - Exploring the Mirror (Toli)

2/3/05: Today I took a rare Journey during the low period between the Full Moon of Jan 25 and the New moon of Feb 8, the beginning of the White Moon Festival. I decided to self-drum for this Journey, as that is the traditional method among the Mongolian Shamans. Plus, I have self-drummed for many Journeys myself, and it is just as effective as the CD version. Having smudged and Rattled in Sacred space, I lit the Sacred Candle and began to drum. I saw my Owl Guide fly in, and suddenly he was sitting in an immense and glistening golden room. He himself turned gold for a few seconds, and then he turned back to a normally-colored Owl. He then began flying around me and produced numerous Feathers that surrounded me. These became a Tunnel through which I descended. I then looked down at my Shaman’s Mirror, whose surface began to look tidally covered with various colors of the Rainbow..that is to say, surges of color were washing across its surface. I then sank into the Mirror, in the process sinking quite quickly through a world I did not recognize. I then took a trip through the Atoms of the Mirror, all brassy and individually gorgeous. I was meeting the Metal People who had come together to produce this sacred object! I then returned to the surface, which seemed to be quite flat and had a blue/white sky above. The surface, while having solidity and form, is not really describable. I guess the closest image I can come up with is a flat plain of very light brown dirt. I sat there, and then the Spirit of the Mirror, the Blue Shaman (Tenger Utawa) appeared. I had met him two prior times, most recently when visiting the site of the Mirror’s creation. He gave me a big hug. He then told me to use my Mirror for Healings and Soul Restorations. He also told me to use it during special Prayers. He then began to train me to see the Spirit World better with my visual cortex. He told me the most important part of this skill is to silence the chatter of the conscious mind. He then extended his hands and placed them on my head, then my shoulders, then my heart. He then told me to just listen to the drumming and wait until I saw a blue flash on my cortex vision..and quiet that mind! I waited and waited, scanning the insides of my eyelids..and then I saw a single, small, nearly instantaneous blue flash..over as soon as it was there. This told me that the Blue Shaman’s energy was now permanently implanted into my Cortex as a “visual” aid. I then drummed and waited a bit longer. Suddenly, I saw a man’s head slowly turning from his right to left. His face was very clear. I then saw a Shaman emerge from some woods, crossing to my left. Then I saw a man walking along, followed by a big, hulking black shape, also crossing to my left. I realized these were all cortex images..this is how they appear! It was great to finally see what it is I’m supposed to see. The outlines are all quite dark..I again am at a loss for words to describe the lighting of these images. They might be described as being quite thin yet quite solid. Quite dark yet quite light.. Perhaps a Moonlit reflection of something in a Lake at deep twilight is a fitting rendition of what I saw. I now know what to look for when assessing the presence of Spirit entities in any given place. I then re-emerged from the Mirror, but as I was leaving, the Blue Shaman spoke once more to me and told me that the Mirror as currently cleansed is in perfect shape. No need for any further cleaning. I drummed myself back.. Outside of a few lost-item mini-Journeys, this was the only Journey I took during the two week low period prior to Bituun (this year, Feb 7, the night before the New Moon when all the Helper Spirits return to the Sky Father for a recharge and rest).