Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Journey 112 - A Sore Throat in Need

10/26/04: A Journey to help my daughter’s terrible sore throat heal more quickly. After lighting the Sacred Candle and Rattling, I began with the Drum CD. But, it kept shutting off within a minute of starting, even with a new battery set, so I decided I was being asked to drum by hand. This was confirmed when I tested the player after the Journey and it ran fine. So off I went to meet with Crosses in Front, my Snake Guide to the Lower World. I saw before me a green landscape with a bluish glow on the edges of everything. Crosses came up to me with pink and lilac edging around her eyes. We saw a circular opening sparking on the ground before us, and went down the Tunnel. The walls were saturated with dappled specks of rainbow colors. We came out into a snow-covered River Bank. I saw the blue Spirit representation of my daughter’s Power Animal, Polar Bear, all there but semi-transparent..looking a bit like a natural gas flame. I was told by Bear to get a Fish to feed him, to give him more strength to help her. I went to the River’s edge, and saw beneath the surface many Fish, glowing in the primary colors. I saw the Water Spirit standing on the opposite bank and asked her permission to go into the Water to get one. Permission granted, in I went. As I swam among the Fish, I BECAME one! The others gathered around me and fed healing Energy to me. It became obvious..I was to become the food for Polar Bear! So I swam over to where he could reach me and he scooped me up. Once swallowed, I became one with Him. We went and stood over my daughter’s bed as she lay sick and sleeping, and Polar Bear and I opened Sacred Space over her with his white, furry arms. I then left Bear for a short while, and watched as he shrank down to figuring size and began lumbering toward her throat. As he walked into it from the outside, rainbow dazzles began flashing. Within a few seconds, I saw a small sphere of Stars amidst a black background begin to spin slowly at her throat. It was like a mini-universe. I then rejoined the Spirit of Bear and we returned to the River. From there, I went back in the Water, left my Fish existence, and was back on the snowy bank with Crosses. I thanked Water Spirit, Polar Bear and the Fish for their help. Crosses and I then went back up the Tunnel and emerged onto normal-looking land. Journey was over. I then sounded 4 loud beats on the Drum four times to add even more power to the healing Sphere next to my daughter’s throat. I then realized that we were inside the Sphere while by the River, so all the Energy work was still contained within it after we left it with my daughter.