Friday, August 13, 2004

Journeys 84/85 Twin Sister ID/Poison Ivy

8/13/04: A Journey to determine the identity of the Native Spirit the twin sister saw before her death (reference an earlier Journey). I opened Sacred Space with the Rattle, Smudged, then lit the Sacred Candle and took off with the 15-minute Drum loop. I was suddenly a Chipmunk, indicating great ability to delve into the “unknown.” I was scratching around in the Grass out back when I sensed Owl swooping down from behind me. Owl picked me up in his talons and we were off into a bright yellow Sky, toward a white swirl of Energy. We went through this Tunnel and emerged into a region of Space where all was red, indicating both intense Life Force and the reference to Native Americanism. We landed in the bright green Tree top we have visited in prior Journeys. I spoke with Owl and gave my reason for the Journey. I was suddenly at a River’s side, watching a Man cradling a beautiful Maiden in his arms. She was on the verge of passing, in and out of consciousness, and then died. The Man walked over into a Buffalo herd on the other side of the Tree line bordering the River. He went up to a White Buffalo (very Sacred to the Plains NAs..) and kneeled before her, the one who brought the Sacred Pipe. He then disappeared. I then returned to the River bank, and saw that much time had now passed. all that remained of the Maiden was a very old bracelet, greatly weathered in the Dirt. I then walked along the River’s edge, as I have done before in prior Journeys, to the Tipi down the River a bit, and entered to Smoke a Pipe Owl, who was now Eagle Claw. It was during this Smoke that I got the rest of the Scene explained to me. The Man was a Tribal Shaman, the Maiden his Daughter. He could not save her. The Maiden became the departed sister in this life. The Native Spirit was the Shaman Father watching over her as she performed this Earthly Walk. His appearance toward the end was to prepare her for Passage. I then was told that White Buffalo will give them both a new Earthly Walk, but they will not be linked as Father and Daughter. As we left this Scene, I looked back and saw that the whole thing had taken place on the Tongue of a Lizard. The latter represents the ability to go into the Dreamtime to seek answers, as I had been doing. Apparently this Journey has strengthened those capabilities for me, as it was an errand of further Healing for the living sister. Lizard is now one of my Totems. I sense he is attaching himself to the sister to help her see and interpret her Dreams more clearly. We then returned to the Green Tree Top, through the Tunnel and into the Yard as the Call Back sounded. I thanked my Guides and returned.

A Poison Ivy control Journey, to deal with my first case in years. I had already opened Sacred Space in an earlier Journey, and so headed right in. I found myself in a Tipi, performing a Snake Dance with one of my Rattles. This was the first time I can recall performing such a Dance in a Journey to call up my Power Animal. My Snake Guide arrived, and she and I went down through one of the more traditional Lower World entry points, a hole in the floor in the center of the Tipi. As we were heading toward the opening, I saw the outline of a human shape hovering over and below the entry, such that the area of the heart was centered right over the hole..the area we passed through. We descended through what seemed to be organic tubing, possibly intestinal..but very clean. We landed in a salty Ocean, submerged, indicating landing in an area of great emotion and/or femininity. This told me my Poison Ivy was a feminine presence, and that sea water was a good curative? In the distance, floating freely, was a woman’s form. It briefly assumed a dress of leaves, then reverted back to more traditional dress. This Spirit of the Water then asked if I wanted to visit with the Spirit of Poison Ivy, to which I answered “yes.” She warned me not to get to close to her. I then found myself next to a Tube Trailer Home beneath a stock of trees, siding up to sit at a picnic bench away from the entry. I could see the woman’s face in the door. Her eyes flashed through numerous colors, before settling down to a beige color with tiny rainbow flecks. Her face then transformed itself into that of a Dog and/or Wolf. As I contemplated this, I slipped off into the Theta State, and the only image I can bring back from there is the term, “Marshmallow Root”. I obviously need to get this. At another point of lucidness I felt a strong Bar being applied to my left back shoulder as I lay there, with a feeling of connectivity of its Energy to my infected fingers on my right hand. Then, the Drumming called me back. I must ponder more on the meaning of the color of the Eyes, the transformation to Dog/Wolf, and the Energy bar. They are obviously important to understanding my PI and its healing.