Thursday, September 30, 2004

Journey 104 - Bee Spirit

9/29/04: A Journey to meet my new Bee Spirit Helper. Over the past few weeks, in Dreams or Journeys, I’ve either been bitten by or had Bees enter my obvious effort by the Bee Clan to enter into my Shamanic Practice. So, after lighting the Sacred Candle and Smudging, I Rattled in the 7 Directions and set down to self-Drum this time. Within seconds of drumming and breathing Shamanically, I found myself zipping from Tree to Tree..but in each case, I BECAME the Tree..feeling myself the tall, permanent fixture of the woods. At one point, when the movement would cease, I could feel Grandfather Sun’s energy pouring into my thousands of Leaf People. I also saw myself stripped of Leaves in Winter, but still basically the same in Spirit..tall, withstanding, patient ,enduring..waiting for spring. Then, I was zipped back to Summertime, and I found myself hosting a Bee’s Hive on one of my Branches. I saw the Face of the Bee Spirit forming on the exterior of the Hive itself, and He introduced himself to me and I did likewise. He quickly took me within the Hive, and showed me that despite the apparent darkness within, Bees could see what they were doing because they could read the Aural Energy of the Hive and the Honey. The light was Honey colored. Bee Spirit then proceeded to tell me that Honey is the equivalent of Mana, the Essence of Life. He showed me that through interaction with Grandfather Sun and virtually all the Star People (whether or not they could be seen from this hemisphere), the Flowers the Bees visited contained the Energy of Life, and therefore so did the Honey the Bees made. He then told me that Bees had been placed within me or stung me in recent Dreams (and during recent “buzz-bys”) to place the “honey” of Life within my Heart. It also was flooding my Aural Sphere, so vividly shown to me in a very recent Journey. In essence, the sweet Mana now fills me and my Aural Sphere. During my time in the Hive, I also experienced the hum of the Bees’ Wings..and found they produce a Root Note along with its Fifth and Fourth Notes. Four reflects the balance of Male and Female, the Four Directions, etc, while Five represents the unity of Family. I also came to understand that the Hive of the Bee Clan and my own Aural Sphere are essentially identical..both have workers within producing the Honey, or in this case, the Essence of Life. This is quite the Aura is filled with the Honey, the Essence of Being. This brings me great Calm and Purpose..I’m ready to leap ahead into the next stage. This Journey was cut short because I could hear my Daughter rummaging about upstairs, and I knew she would be down soon to ask me something. This ability to stay “in Journey” while recognizing sounds from the “normal” world is a trademark of Journeying. One never really loses “consciousness”, but is a place far removed from the here and now..even though the body and its sensors remain active.