Thursday, June 17, 2004

Journey 60 - Attempt at dislodging Dark Force

6/17: A short but dedicated Journey to see if I can dislodge the Dark Force that grabbed my wife during my Shamanic Dream last year. I’m convinced that force is still hovering around her at times, and I determined to do a final Battle with it. I Rattled very deliberately and lit the Sacred Candle, then self-drummed. I had all my Guides with me for this one..Snake, Owl, Two Feathers, Gray Wolf and Sense All. We did not enter a Tunnel, but were immediately facing a huge expanse of pitch blackness ahead. As we moved slowly into it, our bodies became their Luminous Energy Fields, with all traces of normal physical viewing removed..just lines of blue Energy. I felt no fear, and was ready to move in. As I did, with my Protectors behind me, I saw a vague outline of a blacker shape ahead..a person’s profile. I felt my entire Energy field setting up a huge block against this Being, refusing absolutely to allow any penetration by it.. As I followed it further into the Darkness, I suddenly came to a scene at an old barn, and the Dark Being disappeared into a grave near the base of the right side, front wall of the barn. Not an ordinary burial place. I sensed this Being was the one who has attached itself to my wife, having been hounding me for years. I then fell asleep, not only because I was tired, but because of the huge amount of Energy it took to move through the Dark Place. Also, it was apparently not my time to do this Battle. I look forward to it, though.. After I awoke, I forgot to put out the Sacred Candle, so it burned an extra hour or doubt to cleanse the area of any traces of darkness. Final Note: I can swear I’ve had a very similar experience in the past few weeks with seeing a Being go into its grave..but I’ve checked my recent Journeys and notes, and can find nothing. Perhaps its was in a Dreamlet..