Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Boots Manifestation

12/7/04: I’ve heard and read that as one is more and more involved with the Helpers, that extraordinary manifestations begin to take place around you. This is not a Journey report, but certainly qualifies to be included as a Shamanic event.

The local weather was quite dodgy today, and so I went looking for my foul weather boots. I could not find them at all. I looked in the three places they should have been, to no avail. My wife suggested I look again, only this time very slowly and methodically. I did so..no boots. A few minutes later, I walked by the chair in the living room upon which I had earlier placed my work shirt. To my surprise, neatly standing side by side as if placed there with some care, right next to my shirt, were my boots. So I asked me wife where she had found them. She looked at me and asked, “what do you mean?” I told her my boots were right there on the chair, and I certainly hadn’t put them there. She said she hadn’t either, and that I must have forgot placing them there earlier. I looked at her at said, “how could I have forgotten the entire sequence of searching for and finding the boots, bringing them upstairs and placing them on this chair, all within the last 15 minutes!?” We then both had what we used to call a “Twilight Zone” moment. Those boots had been put there by someone else! “Trouble” (or Joy, depending on your perspective) is, the only other two people who could have done it were still fast asleep. I have relived the morning several times and can solemnly assure you that I never brought those boots up to that chair. If I have forgotten that entire sequence, I’m in deeep trubble.

So here is we have a very clear example of one of my Spirit Helpers actually intervening and bringing the boots to me. I think it’s quite engaging that she took time to help like that, and it’s quite the thrill for me as well. With that kind of Help available to both me and those whom I work with Shamanically, you can see why I am on this Sacred Path, and how much Healing can be manifested as well.

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