Thursday, November 04, 2004

Journey 116 - Assist in Soul Retrieval

11/5/04: A special Journey taken to assist Ooszhiwieja in retrieving the little Piece of Soul that was taken from the Niece as described two Journeys ago. I Smudged the Room and Rattled, asking that I learn from this experience and be made stronger. I also asked that my Helpers Owl and Snake, and my Power Animal Eagle, be allowed to come along as I Rattled to open up Sacred Space and to strengthen my Spirit Body. I then lit the Sacred Candle and began Shamanic Breathing while concentrating on my goal of helping Ooszhiwieja retrieve the Niece’s Soul Piece. Soon, I found myself standing on a wide, wind-swept expanse, with a gray overcast, with Owl to my left and Snake to my right. Eagle began by standing on my left shoulder, but was soon circling a short distance over us as I called out to Ooszhiwieja with my Name and Purpose. It took several minutes for “O” to arrive. I saw a figure in the distance, standing perfectly still, and recalled that the name Ooszhiwieja meant Forever Still. So we walked up to the figure, which went through several quick transformations (a Man-Spirit, Darth Vader(!), an Indian Warrior with Feather in hair..finally settling on a small Native girl in a very light gray Deerskin outfit, beaded in blue frill). I felt at this time that perhaps Forever Still was trying to find an image that would work best with me for this particular Journey. I was quite surprised but thrilled, however, to find a small girl of 7 or 8 standing there before me. It was the last type of Spirit I would expect for such a dangerous job..a reflection of my own failings of expectations, and therefore a good Lesson for me. She took out her Medicine Bundle and spread it and its contents out before us on the Ground. There was a Rattle, a Crystal Wand, Sage and Sweet Grass. She picked up the Wand and placed it within herself in a manner I found shocking (human sensitivities again), but obviously designed (as I muse in post-Journey analysis) to heighten to the max the Female Power of the Wand. After all, this was a Spirit Being, not a human. Obviously the Female Entity were we after was very strong herself. Forever Still then taught us a small song to begin singing, which we all did. By this time, my two Guides had assumed their human shapes. The chant went something like this: “Ihna, Ihnatahni, Ihnatinni, Ho uhh oh”, but as I tried to remember it after the Journey, I cannot be certain. Therefore, this was not a Power Song for me to use, but Forever Still’s. As we chanted, Forever took the two Herbs into her hands and blew on them in our direction. The Herbs immediately tuned into a rich and color-filled Smoke that engulfed the three of us. She then took us into a tight Circle and we began dancing around, holding each others hands in a closed loop. Shortly, a green pool formed within our Circle on the Ground. As we danced, the pool became more agitated, with tiny wavelets cresting over as if whipped up in a strong wind. Then, in the center, appeared the Cabin in the Past that the Entity who stole the Soul had retreated to. Soon, we were standing just outside this Cabin. We saw the Entity within, moving around the confines unrestricted. We went to the window, and Forever took the Wand and pointed it inside. The Entity came to the window and scanned us with her red eyes, as she had done in the bedroom in the prior Journey..she knew we were there. She began zooming around the room in tremendously fast zig and zags, trying to avoid the outstretched Crystal Wand. But to no avail. Soon the black Energy flowed into the Tip as we heard a loud wailing. We then left the Cabin and returned to the Plain. The next part of the Journey is a bit fragmented..I recall seeing a bunch of faces of various types and skeletal revealings passing across my visual cortex..perhaps the former lives on the entity? The next scene I remember is being back in the Niece’s room, watching Forever take her Wand and begin to separate the Entity within from the piece of Soul she had taken. She did this by taking a Feather and sweeping down the Wand from tip to base over and over. Eventually we could see the two Energies split. Forever then tied a red thread about 1” from the base to keep the Energies separate. She then held the Wand Tip to a Candle and began to release the Entity back to the Spirit Camp. As the Entity exited the wand, we could see her full, human shaped Aura hovering in the air above the Candle. She put her hands together in a prayer pose (actually, an Energy balancing move), and then dissolved, finally on her way home. Forever then took us back to the plain, where she began to spin like a tornado of rainbow colors, and herself disappeared. This left me and my three Helpers to sit a few seconds and contemplate what had happened. I thanked Forever Still and my Guides for their help. I then realized I hadn’t seen Forever restore the missing Piece of Soul to the Niece. Perhaps she had done this when I wasn’t looking? I didn’t like the uncertainly in this. Suddenly I looked down and there was the Wand at my feet. I picked it up and looked within it and saw the most beautiful fragments of golden light imaginable..the Soul Piece was still in there! Owl, Eagle and Snake then rushed me back to the house lawn from where we had taken the Tunnel to the Upper World to watch the theft in the prior Journey. We took that same Tunnel and were very quickly back in the Room, the Niece still lying on her back beneath her blanket, asleep. I took the Wand and went over to her side. I un-spun her Solar Plexus Chakra, then took the Wand and rapidly re-spun it clockwise, as the Soul Energy poured back into the Niece. We then stepped back. The Call Back Drum sounded right at this instant, so the exact amount of time required to do this Journey had transpired, as usual. As the Call Back sounded, I spread my hands over the Niece again and again to strengthen her Spirit Body, to prevent other such raids. After feeling I had done this enough to be successful, I came back to the Room with my Guides and grounded. As I lay there, post-Journey, I saw bright green ovals of green light with purple centers forming on my Cortex and then shrinking off into the Distance, becoming tiny White Clouds before disappearing. This happened perhaps 7 times. I thought of it as Healing Energy being pumped through me and into Spirit Cloud form to be blown over to the Niece. Finally, I still have more training to do before attempting Soul Retrievals on my will be interesting to see if any of the techniques employed by Forever Still become part of my Ritual.

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