Saturday, May 22, 2004

Journey 53 - Mom's Friend is Very Sick

5/21: Ceremony to help my mom’s friend, who is ridden with cancer. First, I smudged Woman in a Grass Dress with Sage. Then, I lit the Sacred Candle and placed it at the feet of the Woman, as I usually do when calling on her assistance. I then used my Amazon Rattle to open Sacred Space around her and me. I then took my Owl and Eagle Feathers and held one in each hand, to each side of Woman, facing her. I then asked her to journey to the friend and minister to her. She took me along! First, Woman called in a Cheetah to begin eating the cancer. I saw it move into the friend’s Luminous Body and begin consuming the disease. Then, Woman went to each Chakra and used her left hand to sweep counterclockwise through one after the other, removing the dark energies. When she flung the energy away from her hand, it turned into rainbow speckles! She spent extra time on the Throat and Sacral Chakras. After the cleansing, she re-spun all the Chakras clockwise. They returned to their normal color, albeit rather small in size. Cheetah continued to move through the Luminous zone, eating. Then, Woman closed the Sacred Space down into a tight cocoon over the friend, but left it there, like a Blanket of Energy. This, she said, was to keep the cleansing and the Cheetah in place. We then came back to the room. I thanked Woman and returned the Feather to the Pipe altar, and put the Candle out after thanking the Flame of Life.

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