7/28/04: Journey for my brother to assign a Power Animal to him to help him combat his long-standing disease. I knew going in that this might not happen given his sentiment toward things Spiritual, at least as far as I understood it. I also did not have his permission to do this, which can effect the outcome. After the usual preliminaries, I slipped into the Journey realm using a 15-minute Drum sequence. I very soon saw Snake waiting for me, her Aura checkered with colors! She took me out to one of the original Lower World entry points from one of my first, if not my first, Journeys. The site was the one that featured a lit forest area at night, with a Tree Trunk with an opening in its base. But as we stood there, I became aware that the Drum sounds in my ears were being provided by Spirit Drummers lined up on either side of the woods, to my left and right. I watched them in true enjoyment for a few seconds. I looked up through a clearing in the Trees and saw my Shaman Symbol written in the sky in gold dust. I studied it in awe and pleasure, and then asked if it was permanently affixed above me. The Spirits then answered that it was my decision..if I wanted it there always, it would be. That is what I chose. Then Crosses in Front and I went down the Tunnel. The Tunnel was made of slender wands of black crystal. When we emerged, we were in an area made of small undulations of purple and dark green material of some sort. I looked down and at my feet was a plant with an eye at the end of each stalk. I immediately sensed that this unique plant was a Gift that, by taking one of the stalks, would help me see better as a Shaman. I gave the Stalk to Crosses, who bolted up the Tunnel with it for me, so I could place it in my Medicine Bundle. I was thereby left alone in the Lower World. I waited for a Power Animal to come. I saw an Elephant come crashing into view, but realized this was not the PA. At this point, I began to slip in and out of the Theta state, and had to keep forcing my way back. The first time in, I saw two beings floating on an ocean surface having just swallowed a small fish by surprise..the feeling I got was that they had no intention of having done so. When I came back, I saw a Snowy Owl fly in from the same place as the Elephant. It was very friendly, so I decided this was my brother‘s potential Power Animal. We flew together out to the west, where we found my brother hunched over in an alley, as if in numbing pain. I took Snowy Owl up to him and tried to insert him..but to no avail. I slipped immediately into the Theta state, and remained there until Call Back. I recall driving somewhere while in this deeper state, but the imagery seems mundane and normal. When I returned, though, I felt as if I were completely refreshed and renewed. It turns out this Journey was about cleansing and empowering me more than it was about helping my brother. He did indeed reject my offer of help, as I expected, and will continue to suffer according to his chosen, Sacred Path. Remember: Shamans can only help those who want it.
Snowy Owl Power: Hunt by sitting and waiting. Appear lazy, but not true! Conserve energy and go into action at the right time! Lemmings and arctic hares (study these for powers) are its primary prey. Has prophetic instinct for moving to where food is to avoid famine. It has the power of prophecy and spirit. It does not proclaim its presence in new areas, but walks quietly, non-threatening in its power and ability. It succeeds through timing and skill, not intimidation. It can sprint, swim and even play dead..it encompasses the talents of the great horned, barred and short-eared Owls! Quite a powerful ally for Four Hawks!
Lemmings: Tend to walk alone. When running out of food, they seek new areas..they can swim but drown in great numbers when they misjudge the length of the water surface they try to cross. Lesson: Watch your emotional/feminine plane! Do not go too far without seeing the other side!
Arctic Hares: Hares will form groups of 100 to 300 animals. While some rest and feed the others act as guards. Hares are able to survive the Arctic winters by huddling together in snow drifts, under bushes or behind rocks. Arctic hares usually follow the same paths every time they look for food. When alarmed they rise up on their hind legs to look for danger and then bound off very quickly . Hopping up on their hind legs like a kangaroo, they can reach speeds of 64 km. per hour. The hare can swim across narrow streams. Arctic hare are the food for Snowy Owls, other birds of prey, wolves, foxes, weasels and polar bears. So it must always be alert and ready to hop away if it senses an enemy. Sometimes it runs away on all fours or hops on its hind legs like a kangaroo. Young hares quickly learn to sit perfectly still and become almost invisible to their enemies. The Arctic hare moves so quickly that wolves and foxes have a hard time keeping up with it.
Great lessons here for invisibility and emotional control! A truly magnificent Journey!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Journey 77 - Spirit Sister in Scotland
7/27/04: A journey to meet with the Shaman I suspect my pastor will meet on her trip to Scotland. I had suggested to her that she would meet such a person, and I wished to see who it was and what he or she would do for her spiritually. She herself had written she expected to come back from this trip changed in a significant way. So I prepared as usual, then began a 15-minute Drum sequence. I was then out in the back yard, and was moving up the Red Maple tree trunk. However, I was climbing through the magnetic attraction of the Maple’s and my own Auras, versus using my hands and arms and legs. This was a first, to being moving along the stickiness of mixed Aural Energies. I rose through the beautiful leaves and branches, only to reach a very dark layer. Almost a mist of cloud, it was thin but thick. Above it was night, below the same day-lit leaves. As I rose above the layer into the night, I saw a single sprig of branched leaves sticking up above the dark layer..and these were still glowing as if bathed in sunshine. I then saw Owl approach, and we were off across the Atlantic to Scotland. We landed in some living quarters, square to near rectangular, with large windows. I saw Anne reading a book. I turned a page for her to alert her to my presence..a tease of sorts. Not sure she actually saw it as there was no response. Owl and I then headed outside and up an orange and pink interlaced swirl of Energy. We landed in a Scottish wooded area next to a Moor. I saw a very old skeleton still tied to a Tree. Then, to my left appeared a Celtic Shaman. He told me his name was Horses’ Hay. He said my friend would see at least one, maybe more, pink Rose while on this trip, tying into an earlier Journey I took at her Church. He showed me some sort of Ceremony at a Gravesite, but I recall little if any detail..it was a fleeting glimpse. He told me he would appear to my friend as both a Sheepdog and at least one Horse. He then showed me a Spirit-World Ceremony on the Moor itself involving her in which he would light the tip of a Sword with a Sacred Flame, then run the Sword through each of her Chakras, energizing them greatly. Her Aura grew to a huge size, encompassing the entire area. He then showed me the new Spirit Body he had made: My friend, with a wreath of Juniper leaves on her head. On her left shoulder I saw first a Bluebird, then a nest of blue Robin eggs with a Robin above. Her new Spirit name would be Callandra. I then slipped into a deeper Theta state, and the only image I recall is of a young lady being restrained from going to her mother. I came back into the Journey to see my friend now also holding a long walking stick or bar of white light in her right hand. This would be of use in opening doors in the Spirit World. The bar was at least 10 feet long.. At this point, I was called back.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Journey 73 - Seeking Shamanic Joy
7/28/04: A journey to recapture or establish in my life what I am calling Shamanic Joy..a feeling of happiness and contentedness that should flow from knowing all that I know about my Helpers and the Spirit Camp. Theoretically, this should be happening automatically..but we humans are wired to worry and regret and to want more..it just comes with the territory and is not so easily shut off. So I prepared as usual and began a 10-minute Drum CD Journey. Right away, things were different. Instead of heading for a Tunnel, I sensed myself being lowered into a Trough of Water with all my Spirit Helpers and Guardians surrounding it..as if I were being washed. I then found my awareness (versus myself) floating through first a set of very vibrant leaves and branches, then gorgeous carpets of small Flowers, then through Cloud People, then skiing through and then into Snow. I only then found myself flying up a Tunnel made of millions of spiraling tiny Stars with Owl into the Upper World. There I was taken on a trip through just some of the high points in my Life, starting early and coming up to the present over a three minute or so period. What was startling to my about this was how much was left out, and yet how much there was. Obvious lesson..you have had much more Joy than you think..it’s just that the feeling wears off. I then found myself back in the Trough, only this time I was sinking into pure gold Mana, so tiny in particle that it acted like a fluid. I saw my Chakras, very colorful and healthy, growing larger. At this point, the Callback occurred, and I returned in thanks for this first session. In the middle of this Journey, my wife had called to ask if she had to pick up my granddaughter. I knew the ring was her, so I left my Journey to answer..it was very important I do so. And that again proves that one is still conscious of the tonal world while on a Journey..
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Journey 72 - Good Friend's Grandmother Dream
7/2404: A Journey undertaken at my dear friend’s request to investigate a Dream she once had of her Grandmother walking up a Hill with her as a young girl to check out some building going on. The Grandmother was insistent they investigate this activity..but the Dream ended before they got there. My task was to go further in the Dream. I smudged and darkened the Room, lit the Sacred Candle, and began the 10-minute Drum loop. First up was my Upper World Guide Owl, appearing with a gold necklace (a first) with the year 1957 settling in as the charm hanging at the bottom. Many Spirit forms, amorphous, were floating around him initially. As we stood there, we were back at the final scene of my Shaman’s Dream. Above us was the huge whirlpool of light, next to us the Woman in a cloak on the bench across the Street. We went over to Woman, who introduced herself to me as my new Dream Guide! I took her hand and the three of us flew very quickly up through the center of the Whirlpool, which then stretched and thinned vertically until we finally reached the exit. We were now standing on a furrowed land made of a very beautiful light tan, solid Energy..nothing else in sight. We then saw Grandmother and my friend as a little girl standing together holding hands. The Dream then kicked in, and they were standing on the hillside walking up toward the construction area. I had now assumed the role of my friend, and Grandmother was speaking to me as follows: “It’s very important to check out activities such as this which alter the natural landscape. The area could be home to Deer, an Eagle’s nest, or Woodchucks, and these people may not have taken time to assess the area before beginning to tear it apart. When we got to the top we saw a group of early American colonists (early 1700s), who were busy constructing a wooden building. As expected, they had no regard for the damage they were doing. Grandmother walked up to the apparent leader and began to admonish him for this. The man, quite short (as they mostly all were back then), seemed quite taken aback. I quickly jumped over into his existence and realized he saw Grandmother and me as Spirits. The workers and he became very afraid and tore down the structure in rapid, sped-up fashion. Then they and their wood/tools vanished, leaving the top of the hill as it had been. We looked and found there a stand of rare, small flowers (2” tall, with small orange petals with a purple center) and nearby a Rabbits’ Den. Grandmother than turned to me (still my friend as a little girl) and told me she had once been a Native Medicine Woman in upper Wisconsin, and in her role was very sensitive to balancing the needs of the land and her people. She told me that in her future life she will pilot a vehicle that goes around her local planetary system remedying environmental violations. She finally revealed that she had indeed placed part of her Spirit Essence on one of the girls, to remind the family of her essence. She then handed me a black button from one of her coats, placed on a loop of string, forming a sort of bracelet or necklace, to bring back as a Spiritual Gift from this visit. I shall pass this Gift on to my friend. I (myself now) got the impression she occasionally made little necklaces with string for her children. Just as the Grandmother spoke to my friend and said it was time for Four Hawks to return to his time, the Drum CD shifted to the Call Back..perfectly timed. I thanked all involved and rapidly soared back down the Whirlpool Tunnel with Owl and returned here.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Journey 71 - Two Dreams (Harrier/Doll)
7/23/04: A journey to investigate, for the first time, the meaning of two of my Dreams of last night. In the first, I saw a large Northern Harrier swoop in over me after calling to get my attention skyward. The Harrier landed on the middle of a street, about 30 feet away from me. It then curled its wings up as if in a power gesture. I saw a Crow then soaring straight down toward it, and just before the Crow met up with the Harrier, the dream ended. In the second Dream, I was ascending the steps of some sort of apartment building and spotted a small box with a clear plastic cover, within which was a doll. I stooped to look at this plastic doll, and suddenly her eyes moved toward me. I took the lid off, and the doll became more and more animated. Soon she was alive, and I picked her up, treating her as an abandoned baby. I called the police on my cell phone, telling them to bring some milk. As I turned, I saw my wife and my own kids (at their current ages), and the doll-baby, now suddenly in a diaper, was teetering on the edge of the platform, age of about 3 years with long brown hair. I told my wife to watch her before she fell.. Suddenly, we were in the kitchen of a house, years later..not my kitchen. The doll-baby was now a teenager, and I was rubbing her shoulders from behind. She looked totally white, but as she turned to face me I saw she had a light brown coloring across her forehead..two-toned like me! She had a wide smile on her face and stared right at me..end of dream. So off I went on my Journey. I was very small in the Grass outside the bedroom window as I began. Blades of Grass were towering over me, and the Weed Sprigs looked like Trees. I saw Owl flying in from the west, and because of my size, he appeared huge! He landed next to me, and I realized I had taken on the Robe of the Ant! I clamber onto his leg and we fly up onto a Tree Branch. Owl then eats me, and from within I can still see clearly outside. We then take off and fly straight up, into a Tunnel in the Sky that resembles water pouring down the sides of a cylinder..but it’s Air pouring down instead. We punch through the exit into a dimly lit Tree beneath a very dark Sky. We land on a Branch, and the first Dream re-engages. I see Crow fly straight down onto Harrier, and the two merge..and become a Peace Eagle! The PE then walks right over to me and begins talking. He has a warning..drink alcohol only on social occasions, or I will surely cut short my Shamanic Walk. I will find more Joy in the certain Knowledge I have of my Shamanic Skills and Experiences in Healing and Fathoming. It would be a shame to cut short this Gift through habit. That ended that Dream Extension, and it was onto Dream #2. The girl with the brown coloring across her forehead is none other than my own Female Self..my feminine half or side. She told me now that she truly appreciates my caring for the Feminine in life, for honoring it, even in the fullness of my relations with my wife. In the Dream, my caring for the Doll who came to life when a baby and a little girl on the platform were examples of my instinctual, Spirit-based caring. She told me this respect for my feminine side was very healthy, to keep it up! At this point, the Drums called me back. I am now finding that the 10-minute Drum Journey is the ideal time for me..I come back with the knowledge I was seeking, yet am not so drained that I can not do another Journey right afterward.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Journey 70 - The Troubled Nieces
7/23/04: Journey on behalf of my dear friend’s nieces. After Rattling, Smudging and lighting the Sacred Candle, I found myself sitting amongst numerous Treetops beneath a brilliant night Sky. The Leaves were lush and green. Grandmother Moon was well up in the Sky, full. Owl then arrived, picked me up, and off we went toward a red/orange Circle of Energy simmering on a small portion of Moon’s Face. The trip through Space was quick, and the walls of the Sky Tunnel thin and wispy strands of red/orange Energy. As we arrived at the Moon and plunged down through the small opening in her Face, I could see the surroundings clearly. When we arrived at the exit of the Tunnel, I was suddenly in a business office building, with numerous small offices on either side of a typical hallway on the second floor. I seem to recall the building having a glass front. I went into one of the offices to see my friend's sister and husband squared off across a table at one another. The husband then turned into what I assume is his main Power Animal, Deer, while the sister became a Lion (male at that). Soon, the Lion became a small figurine on the table. The scene suddenly shifted, and I was in a forest clearing. Deer and Lion were very much alive now, and squaring off to fight..but neither made more than a token attempt at really attacking. Off in the distance, watching all of this, were two baby deer..the nieces, I assume. The fight before them suddenly froze in time, with both Lion and Deer motionless in mid fighting pose. I moved over the to the young ones and inspected them. Their coats each had a fine covering of red/orange light shimmering on them..indicative of the Lower Chakras being very much energized. I melded my Spirit with theirs, to get a sense of what they were thinking. Interestingly, they had totally tuned out the stalemate contest before them, assuming the two larger Animals were no longer capable of being much help, and were instead looking to each other to help each other in life from here on out. Another way to put it: moving into their own relationship now for soothing and protection, and to survive the coming turmoil. At my request, Time then jumped ahead to when the Nieces were teens. I saw them spending considerable time at my friend’s house, where a small family business involved them as well. She had ended up watching them quite a bit up to this point, to the point of being a second mother of sorts. I sensed the husband still in the picture, but not the sister. I looked a bit further ahead and saw one niece going to San Francisco, the other to New York as adults..but got no sense as to whether these were just trips of permanent moves. Shifting scenes, I headed over to see what becomes of my friend's mother's very old house, and sensed that it would be registered as a historic home of sorts and come under the protection of some sort of preservation society. The Drums called me back at this point.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Journey 68/69 - PA for Wife's Friend/Dying Mom PA
7/22/04: Journey 1 was to investigate another of my wife's co-worker's Power Animal(s), a follow-on to her request for guidance on a move to Florida. I performed the usual pre-Journey actions and was off to a 10-minute CD drumming loop. I was suddenly outside at dusk, and the Grass had a gold Mist hovering over it. My Lower World Guide, Snake, was zooming through the entire area at super speed, stirring up the mist. Appearing at my side then instantly, we headed down a Chipmunk hole at the feed area. The Tunnel was very wide, and tiny colored “lanterns” of light was hanging on the walls. To the left, halfway in, was a platform with numerous Spirit Bodies on it, all waiting for something. I was told they were recently departed people, waiting for their Guides to escort them to the Spirit Camp. They were in no hurry, for they already knew they were OK, and where they were going. As we moved along the Tunnel, in fact, many light blurs passed us..the Guides on their way to pick up their charges. We exited into the middle of many Trees. I noticed both Snake and I had become Squirrels, and we were moving along from limb to limb with great dexterity. As I looked down below, the occasional clearing in the Leaves would reveal a Mother Skunk with three little ones flowing behind. After seeing her and them for the second straight clearing, I went down to see if she was the co-worker’s PA. Skunk (sensuality, respect and self-esteem) revealed that she was indeed the Power Animal, and that the little ones following her were Assistants. She told me that the co-worker has a very powerful and healthy Aura, allowing her to give so much of herself in her life on Earth. This is how she has overcome her intense pain of losing her family. Skunk then revealed to me her other Totems: Hummingbird (Joy, nectar of life), Red Fox (feminine magic of camouflage, shape shifting and invisibility), Dove (feminine energies of peace,
maternity and prophecy), Whale (power of song, awakening inner depths) and
Dolphin (power of breath and sound). I then fed carrots, lettuce, onion and tomato to Snake, as a Gift of appreciation from this Life. The other Totems than moved in likewise to be fed. I then touched each of them with my Crystal Wand, recently charged with Lightning Energy, to give them even more Power. Skunk then allowed me to pet her in gratitude for her help for the co-worker. Skunk then told me the co-worker’s deceased were moving along their Spirit Paths just fine, and that she should not worry about them. She also said her move to Florida would place her closer to her Whale and Dolphin Totems while keeping the connections to the other Totems strong. I then returned with Snake.
Journey 2 was more somber..an attempt to acquire a Power Animal for a good friend's mom. I took a Journey to confront her Cancer earlier in the year and was astounded by its tenacity and single-mindedness. As I went outside, the Grass in our yard was totally yellow..lifeless, telling me it was unlikely we could stop her mom from passing. Snake then came to me and told me as much. Still, we went down through the Tunnel to see what we could do. After a dry beginning, we passed through a layer of Water, then through the rest of the muddy Tunnel. We emerged into a world where everything was lit by a blacklight reminiscent of 60s fame. Even the Stars had the blue-red glow of a Blacklight bulb. The whites had that weird blue glow. Eagle landed on my left shoulder. Off to my right in the distance I saw a pair of yellow eyes staring unblinkingly at me.. it was the Disease. My Power Animal Eagle then flew off my shoulder and onto a Stone Person between me and the Eyes, to protect me from another attack such as occurred during my first encounter with this entity. I took out my Crystal Wand and called in Rainbow beams from the Star Nation to attach to the Disease. The Beams turned to shades of gray, so I knew it was useless to try to heal the Disease. I then re-directed the Star Energy to Eagle, whose Aura became very bright and colorful. The eyes beyond dimmed within the colored field of light. A Warrior then appeared to my front, left. He had a black-paint face, with gleaming eyes, with Feathers sticking up out of his tightly pulled back hair. His name was “Oobatoobatan”, and he introduced himself as a new Guardian and Helper for me to cal on from now on. He told me the Spirits were very pleased with my progress, for I was very receptive to Spirit Energy and Healings flowing through me. I was a good transmitter, he said, and the Spirits were happy I was making myself available so frequently. He told me what I already knew..it is too late to save her mom. But he suggested we send her some Rock Doves (who turn into the colors of the rainbow) to ease her transition. We did so. We saw hundreds of these colorful Birds swooping around and around her mom. He asked if I wanted to know the date of her passing, and I said no.. “O” understood and smiled. However, I did see “2004” flash by me. But at least I know I have a new Guardian/Guide to call on. Very wonderful! I then returned.
maternity and prophecy), Whale (power of song, awakening inner depths) and
Dolphin (power of breath and sound). I then fed carrots, lettuce, onion and tomato to Snake, as a Gift of appreciation from this Life. The other Totems than moved in likewise to be fed. I then touched each of them with my Crystal Wand, recently charged with Lightning Energy, to give them even more Power. Skunk then allowed me to pet her in gratitude for her help for the co-worker. Skunk then told me the co-worker’s deceased were moving along their Spirit Paths just fine, and that she should not worry about them. She also said her move to Florida would place her closer to her Whale and Dolphin Totems while keeping the connections to the other Totems strong. I then returned with Snake.
Journey 2 was more somber..an attempt to acquire a Power Animal for a good friend's mom. I took a Journey to confront her Cancer earlier in the year and was astounded by its tenacity and single-mindedness. As I went outside, the Grass in our yard was totally yellow..lifeless, telling me it was unlikely we could stop her mom from passing. Snake then came to me and told me as much. Still, we went down through the Tunnel to see what we could do. After a dry beginning, we passed through a layer of Water, then through the rest of the muddy Tunnel. We emerged into a world where everything was lit by a blacklight reminiscent of 60s fame. Even the Stars had the blue-red glow of a Blacklight bulb. The whites had that weird blue glow. Eagle landed on my left shoulder. Off to my right in the distance I saw a pair of yellow eyes staring unblinkingly at me.. it was the Disease. My Power Animal Eagle then flew off my shoulder and onto a Stone Person between me and the Eyes, to protect me from another attack such as occurred during my first encounter with this entity. I took out my Crystal Wand and called in Rainbow beams from the Star Nation to attach to the Disease. The Beams turned to shades of gray, so I knew it was useless to try to heal the Disease. I then re-directed the Star Energy to Eagle, whose Aura became very bright and colorful. The eyes beyond dimmed within the colored field of light. A Warrior then appeared to my front, left. He had a black-paint face, with gleaming eyes, with Feathers sticking up out of his tightly pulled back hair. His name was “Oobatoobatan”, and he introduced himself as a new Guardian and Helper for me to cal on from now on. He told me the Spirits were very pleased with my progress, for I was very receptive to Spirit Energy and Healings flowing through me. I was a good transmitter, he said, and the Spirits were happy I was making myself available so frequently. He told me what I already knew..it is too late to save her mom. But he suggested we send her some Rock Doves (who turn into the colors of the rainbow) to ease her transition. We did so. We saw hundreds of these colorful Birds swooping around and around her mom. He asked if I wanted to know the date of her passing, and I said no.. “O” understood and smiled. However, I did see “2004” flash by me. But at least I know I have a new Guardian/Guide to call on. Very wonderful! I then returned.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Journeys 74/75/76 -Florida Move/Thunderstorms/First Runnymede
7/21/04: Journey 1, to see if one of my wife's friends and co-workers should move to Florida, undertaken on her behalf. I performed the usual pre-Journey Rites. As I moved into the Drumming, I was immediately swept into a very beautiful mountainous terrain. It was fascinating that I moved through no Tunnel to get here..Snake brought me to this place instantly. My Power Animal, Eagle, landed on my left shoulder. To my right, I spotted a Seminole Indian approaching me. He came to me and said hello, that he was here to help, and that incidentally we had known each other before as friends in another lifetime. He asked me to accompany him to meet with the Seminole Seer. We moved through some brush into a Clearing, around which were sitting various Spirit Entities. Their faces and bodies were not visible, merely outlined in different colored Energies, including their eyes. They motioned to me to approach the center of the Circle they had formed. I crept there and noticed a very small Lake of Water, about 2” in diameter. I knew to look into the Lake’s reflection, for I sensed it was a Future Seer. As I peered in, I saw a map of the eastern United States. A straight red line ran from New England to the west-central coastal area of Florida. I then saw the friend and her sister sitting comfortably and happily in lawn chairs near their house. I saw that two men had become good friends, life companions. The scene in the Lake then clouded over. I asked the Spirit Circle when this might transpire, and they said the two women will know when the time is right. I thanked the Circle of Prayer People, and was then escorted over to see the Seminole Seer. She was a multi-colored, gorgeous Parrot, whose eyes had millions of tiny rainbow facets. The eyes reminded me of the gorgeous Spirit Cavern within my own Brain, found on a prior Journey and totally underutilized. This Cavern allows me to place an individual against the walls and read their Energy field. I believe this reminder was the only purpose of my meeting with the Seminole Seer..use the Gift! We came back to the clearing. From there, we traveled back to this World, after thanking all the Spirit Helpers involved.
Journey 2 was for another of my wife's co-worker friends, who has an inordinate fear of thunderstorms. As I went into the Drumming, I was passing through a dense and lush canopy of green Leaves, with many small Caterpillars, Moths, etc sitting on them. I then rose above the Trees into the blue Sky. I stopped at the end of the Clearing I have been to before in prior Journeys, and there met with Owl, my Upper World Guide. We sat until we saw, off to our right, a large, sizzling gold Orb in the sky, replete with spikes and blue streaks zipping along the surface of the Orb between the spikes. We flew toward it. As we got close, we could see the Orb was covered in lightning strikes. Within all the organized chaos of gold and Blue was a small circular opening, encompassed in green and red light. We went in. As we landed, we found a sea of blue light Energy. There were a pair of “eyes” embedded within. I opened conversation up by thanking the Lightning Spirit for hitting me as a Youth, the day I had my hand on a cold water pipe when lighting struck nearby and I felt the electric surge at the same instant. I then asked why the friend was so afraid of the Lightning. I was told her brain electricity was more vulnerable to attack then most human brains, and this caused her panic. I then got the impression that her mother may have had an electric shock during her pregnancy with her daughter. I was told that to assign a Power Animal to her to help would require a second Journey. But then, an unexpected Gift. I was given a Lightning Bolt to place within my Crystal Wand, Owl’s suggestion. I did so upon my return.
Journey 3 was to investigate a close friend's possible Rheumatoid Arthritis problem, at her request. I found myself sitting in my back yard, very small. Owl swooped in and was very large. I climbed onto his left foot, the size of an Ant. We flew up into the Sky, toward a Red/Orange quivering circle. We went higher and higher, past the tops of the thunder clouds, and into the Tunnel. As we flew through it, I got the impression it was an Artery. We emerged into a mountainous region, and before me was a glowing Stone Person, red and orange. The Stone Person’s name was Attepo, and he invited me into himself after asking him to pity me, a poor Shaman-trainee. Once I was one with him, he told me to enter my Brain’s Crystal Chamber. I placed the friend's body against the rainbowed walls. I saw her blood flowing, with tiny blue specks moving through it. Her pain problem is definitely blood-borne, and may indeed be an auto-immune disease..with the blue specks as white cells. I was told she should drink lots of concord grape juice and/or red wine. I turned her sideways and saw that her Chakras were in fairly good shape. From behind, though, I could see there was a huge dark Energy implanted in her upper right back. She needs to confront this Dark Being to slow her disease. I then saw an old book with green covering whose name was “Runneymede Tales.” She shall have to research this. I then placed a copy of my Rainbow Healing Feather, the Gift from the Water Spirit, into my friend to help her withstand her ailment. I then came back after thanking the Spirits and Owl.
Journey 2 was for another of my wife's co-worker friends, who has an inordinate fear of thunderstorms. As I went into the Drumming, I was passing through a dense and lush canopy of green Leaves, with many small Caterpillars, Moths, etc sitting on them. I then rose above the Trees into the blue Sky. I stopped at the end of the Clearing I have been to before in prior Journeys, and there met with Owl, my Upper World Guide. We sat until we saw, off to our right, a large, sizzling gold Orb in the sky, replete with spikes and blue streaks zipping along the surface of the Orb between the spikes. We flew toward it. As we got close, we could see the Orb was covered in lightning strikes. Within all the organized chaos of gold and Blue was a small circular opening, encompassed in green and red light. We went in. As we landed, we found a sea of blue light Energy. There were a pair of “eyes” embedded within. I opened conversation up by thanking the Lightning Spirit for hitting me as a Youth, the day I had my hand on a cold water pipe when lighting struck nearby and I felt the electric surge at the same instant. I then asked why the friend was so afraid of the Lightning. I was told her brain electricity was more vulnerable to attack then most human brains, and this caused her panic. I then got the impression that her mother may have had an electric shock during her pregnancy with her daughter. I was told that to assign a Power Animal to her to help would require a second Journey. But then, an unexpected Gift. I was given a Lightning Bolt to place within my Crystal Wand, Owl’s suggestion. I did so upon my return.
Journey 3 was to investigate a close friend's possible Rheumatoid Arthritis problem, at her request. I found myself sitting in my back yard, very small. Owl swooped in and was very large. I climbed onto his left foot, the size of an Ant. We flew up into the Sky, toward a Red/Orange quivering circle. We went higher and higher, past the tops of the thunder clouds, and into the Tunnel. As we flew through it, I got the impression it was an Artery. We emerged into a mountainous region, and before me was a glowing Stone Person, red and orange. The Stone Person’s name was Attepo, and he invited me into himself after asking him to pity me, a poor Shaman-trainee. Once I was one with him, he told me to enter my Brain’s Crystal Chamber. I placed the friend's body against the rainbowed walls. I saw her blood flowing, with tiny blue specks moving through it. Her pain problem is definitely blood-borne, and may indeed be an auto-immune disease..with the blue specks as white cells. I was told she should drink lots of concord grape juice and/or red wine. I turned her sideways and saw that her Chakras were in fairly good shape. From behind, though, I could see there was a huge dark Energy implanted in her upper right back. She needs to confront this Dark Being to slow her disease. I then saw an old book with green covering whose name was “Runneymede Tales.” She shall have to research this. I then placed a copy of my Rainbow Healing Feather, the Gift from the Water Spirit, into my friend to help her withstand her ailment. I then came back after thanking the Spirits and Owl.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Journey 67 - Wife's Coworker's PA
7/16/04: Journey #2 was to find a Power Animal for a coworker of my wife’s. The co-worker had seen my wife’s Hummingbird charm, and she had explained it was her Power Animal. Her friend then decided she wanted one, too. So later in the afternoon I re-Smudged, re-Rattled and relit the Sacred Candle. I took only a 10-minute Journey this time, figuring that would be enough. As I lay there breathing slowly, I could sense Snake coming to me. But this time she wrapped herself right around me, in total..a strangle hold I could feel my body both tingling and sinking not the bed. I found myself suddenly sinking into my Grave! I was a bit concerned and came out of the Journey a bit, but realized that this was no doubt the Path I was meant to take and should stick to it. Crosses then told me that it was indeed OK to perform this entry. We went down through the rectangular hole and found ourselves moving down a Tunnel glowing with a deep red light. We were both outlined in red as a result. The Tunnel then fell apart into red filaments flying by us. We emerged into an icy world, with undulating snow fields all around. But, off in the distance to our right was a small Island sticking up out of the ice fields, covered in summer growth and color! Here was a gorgeous zone of life, right in the middle of a desolate and blue world. Crosses and I went and sat there at the edgeof the Island. She told me we would wait for the co-worker’s Power Animal to show. Meanwhile, she spoke to me as to why I was taken down through my own Grave. It was an admonishment for my wish last Friday for today to be my last. She told me I had a lot more Shaman work to accomplish, that my gifts were growing and still vitally necessary. It was not for me to ask for or anticipate my last day in this existence. I was very receptive to this, as I really do not want to leave today! :) We then saw some Birds approach..a Pelican and a Flamingo (first time for both). Then came a Blue Heron. But none of these were acting like a Power Animal. Then, to our right, came a White Duck waddling up. Duck was outlined in a thin filament of gold Energy. Duck came into my arms, and as I held it, there was some green coloring added to her outline. I felt this was indeed the co-worker's Power Animal. I sent the White Duck over to therplace of business, to her. It quacked excitedly as it moved around in front of her. White Duck then went up into the air and flew right down into her through her Crown Chakra. Duck was now her Power Animal..qualities listed below. I then returned from the office to the Island. Many of my Spirit Helpers arrived, all also outlined in gold: Owl, Eagle, Black Panther, Blue Heron, Peace Eagle, Hawk. I then merged with Hawk, and then found myself splitting into four Hawks. Each of “us” flew well off to one of the Four Directions. “We” looked back from there at the distant glowing Island, and well beyond could see the Hawk at the opposite Direction. The four then flew back to the Island to merge as one Hawk again. I felt all the Medicines of all my Helpers flowing into me now. I was strengthened by their presence, and by seeing my name (Four Hawks) enacted into a spiritual essence. By this time, my Aura was tingling like anything! The call back drumming commenced, and I thanked my helpers and came back.
The co-worker's Power Animal is a White Duck with a gold fringe. White reflects cleansing, purifying and a greater creativity. Gold reflects a strengthening of the immune system. Ducks, because of their connection to water, are linked to the feminine energies, the astral plane, and the emotional state of humans. Water is necessary for all life, reminding us to drink of the waters of life as well as nurture our own emotional natures. We can find sustenance in our emotions. They help you handle your own emotions with greater grace and comfort. They teach you how to maneuver through the various waters of life. Duck can also reflect an inability to feel comfortable around many or even most people in your life, indicating a need to find comfort in your own element and with those of like mind and spirit. The link to the astral plane represents a narrowing of the wall separating this life from the “in-between world” some people fall into after death. The latter world can be a dangerous place for those who don’t know how to deal with it, so any contacts with it, whether deliberate or uninvited, should be avoided without help from an expert. Duck is also a sign of fidelity and freedom form worry.
The co-worker's Power Animal is a White Duck with a gold fringe. White reflects cleansing, purifying and a greater creativity. Gold reflects a strengthening of the immune system. Ducks, because of their connection to water, are linked to the feminine energies, the astral plane, and the emotional state of humans. Water is necessary for all life, reminding us to drink of the waters of life as well as nurture our own emotional natures. We can find sustenance in our emotions. They help you handle your own emotions with greater grace and comfort. They teach you how to maneuver through the various waters of life. Duck can also reflect an inability to feel comfortable around many or even most people in your life, indicating a need to find comfort in your own element and with those of like mind and spirit. The link to the astral plane represents a narrowing of the wall separating this life from the “in-between world” some people fall into after death. The latter world can be a dangerous place for those who don’t know how to deal with it, so any contacts with it, whether deliberate or uninvited, should be avoided without help from an expert. Duck is also a sign of fidelity and freedom form worry.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Journey 66 - Young Co-worker's PA
7/16/04: Journey #1 on this fine day off was to find a Power Animal for a young co-worker, who at a very young age has just found out at least one of her moles in cancerous..and she is understandable quite shocked and afraid. I told her I would pray for her, and this Journey is what I meant by that. By getting her Power Animal back for her, she will have a much easier time maintaining the positive, heal-from-within attitude I told her she must now adopt. This is the most a Shaman can do for a sick person. After Smudging and Rattling and lighting the Sacred Candle, off I went, using the 20-minute Drum CD segment. I found myself being whisked off to a totally new place..a large Field with tall Grasses. The Grasses began to bend in a path-like ammer, indicating the arrival of my Snake Guide, Crosses in Front. She had purple patches on her skin, and soon the rest of her covering filled in with the other rainbow colors. Quite pretty! She then grew, transforming into a human form! She allowed me to see her Face for the first time..very nice, very Native! We then went arm in arm down a nearby, human-sized Opening in the Ground. At first we saw Dirt and Roots, but as it got darker and darker, I could see deep blue quartz Crystal shafts glowing in the walls, floor and ceiling. Crosses and I both had a faint rainbow outline around our bodies..all we could see of each other. I spotted a Crystal that looked just like the one I have next to my Pipe, and Crosses told me to pick it up and carry it back. By placing this Crystal from the Spirit World inside my physical one, I will greatly empower it. We eventually cleared the Tunnel and were in a lakeside clearing. Only, we were still in the Middle World..it looked like coastal Rye, NH. This was a first for me..tunneling back to a different place in this existence! Crosses led me to a large Stump, where we sat. She blew her breath into the center of the Stump, with her breath emerging as an intense fire. This fire Breath blew a hole into the center of the Stump. My Power Animal Eagle then appeared, and Crosses told me that Eagle would accompany me to the Lower World. Eagle and I went down through the fiery walls. We emerged into the very early dawn of a dark world, where the Bushes had large leaf blades. These spoke to me, welcoming me. The Grasses at my feet parted as I walked, so as to avoid my stepping on them. It was as if our energies were working together to keep us from touching, making for very smooth and undamaging travel. Eagle and I proceeded up an incline and reached past the Tree line. From there we went up a rocky slope to a local peak. The Sky above was dark but swirling with blues of all different hues. At the peak, several Rats and Chipmunks came to my feet. I wondered if either was the Power Animal for my friend, but the Rat seemed too aggressive, and the Chipmunk too indifferent. Then a Fox appeared, and nudged the tinier animals away with her nose. She sat by me and licked my hand. I realized then that Fox is my friend’s Power Animal. The scene shifted a bit, and I was back in a grassy area. Woman in a Grass Dress, whose image hangs on my wall, appeared before me. She took Fox in her arm and walked a good distance to my friend. She handed her the Fox, who rested in her arms while she walked along toward and to the right of me. I could tell who both women were, even though they were presented mainly in Energy shapes versus actually human appearances. Then I saw the Fox go into my friend. I then knew she now had her Power Animal. I then fell into the deeper Theta state, but for the first time was able to come back with three brief images from this deepest of Lower Worlds. IMAGE ONE: Three soldiers were sitting in a truck, and a man came up to them from the car’s right side with a machine gun. The three asked the man not to shoot, but he did anyway. He seemed to be after the man in the middle of the three, but the others were hit as the bullets went through the first man. As I watched this, I realized the three men in the Truck were all part of my friend’s immune system..their names were Helper, Healer and Holder, the last being the Holder of Life. Holder was the one in the front-center that the man was after. I can only assume the Man with the gun was her Cancer. So I took on the Gunman. Foxes came around and grabbed his arms and legs, pinning him to the ground. I sprinkled him with Sage and Sweet Grass, which caused quite a bit of his body to melt away. Black Panther then came by and lay on the remains, soaking up what was left of the man’s Energy. BP then pissed that Energy back into Mother Earth to be used for Good. We then went back to the Truck and restored Life to the three men. IMAGE TWO: More fractured..I just recall a woman standing in front of a mirror trying on a dress that seemed to fit very well. IMAGE THREE: Even more fractured. I recall being in a boat in the ocean and seeing a Fish swimming in the water just below the surface. Both of the last two images suggest Feminine Energy being in good repair.. I then began my Journey back as the Drum CD called me. I thanked all the Helpers who had shown up. Then the most unusual thing happened. The exact same time I shut off my CD player, a loud whistling noise began. At first I thought it was the Player..I checked but it was off. Then I thought it was one of my ears going nuts. But as I sat up and moved around, the sound varied. Then I realized it was the back-up sump pump. I went out and eventually got the whistling to stop. I went upstairs and only then realized that there had been a power interruption in the house hold current..at the exact same time my Journey ended (as demonstrated by the arrival of the high pitch noise just as I switched off the CD player)! I believe the force of my Spirit returning to this world actually caused a huge power spike that effected the house. Amazing.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Journey 65 - Swollen Right Hand
7/13/04: A journey to help mend my right hand, swollen and painful, possibly from striking a kitchen cabinet door in now very rare anger (hard to believe I still am capable of this after all these years..although the swelling didn’t start until two full days later..so perhaps something else had hit it during my recent construction activities?) last Friday. By today (Tuesday), it had swollen to the point of almost non-use, and was quite painful. I decided to seek healing from the Spirit Camp versus seeking western medicine. After smudging, Rattling and lighting the Sacred Candle, I used the Hawkins Drum CD for 20 minutes. As I focused on my intent while breathing slowly and deeply in Shamanic fashion, I found myself out in the Red Maple with Owl, my Night Totem and also Eagle Claw’s worldly robe. As we sat, he looked at me amusedly and said something to the effect of, “so, you finally went and hurt yourself, eh?” I grinned back sheepishly and vowed to try to make this the last time. We looked up into the Sky Nation, and saw a swirling Rainbow whirl of Energy. That was our Tunnel to the Upper World, and off we went. As we flew through the Tunnel, the Walls changed into a swirl of circling stars. As we exited, we were out in blackness. Ahead of me was a small gold-energy-lined door. I moved toward it and extended my hurt hand out into the opening, which proceeded to rotate forwards 90 degrees to become a table. I placed my right hand on this “table”, and immediately saw a miniature Native American Prayer Circle form around it. The sitting ones were smoking their Pipes, while a standing Dancer was singing near my little-finger knuckle, source of the most swelling. Suddenly, I found my entire body lying on the ground, with all the Natives now life-sized. The dancing Shaman Healer was singing a Power Song, the key word couplet of which was “Wedgshry Oshabay.” I then saw a Bear move up to my right hand and bend its head down over it. The Bear then turned into a Woman wearing a Bear Head on top of her own. She knelt over my hand and began sewing the flesh and bones, both within and without, using threads of golden light. I knew she was healing my hand. The Dancer continued to sing the Power phrase. Comfortable with knowing I was being helped by the Spirits, I fell deeper into the Theta State, and again I don’t recall any of the images that went by therein. As the Drumming CD changed tempo and brought me abruptly back, I thanked all my Helpers, and Owl and I flew quickly back down the Tunnel to here. My hand was still quite sore and immoveable the next day, but I knew it was healing. The following day, yesterday, saw an incredible improvement. Today, while it is still a bit swollen, I have recovered nearly full use. A very quick recovery. I should also mention that I held my healing Agate Stone Person in that hand before bed for those two nights, feeling its healing energies pouring into my hand. While Bear Medicine Woman did the major damage correction, Agate helped speed the restitution to near-normalcy. Very remarkable to see the Helpers come to one’s aid even after a self-inflicted wound. Having been here themselves, they understand.. :)
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